Out of nowhere, my PC running Windows 7 suddenly stopped recognizing any of the 4 HDD's in my enclosure. Restarted both but still nothiong. None of the 4 drives show up in Disk Management. I'm at a loss> Need some help.

There are two options I can suggest.

You can try connecting the drive to another computer on a different OS (Mac OS or Linux, etc) or use a Linux Live Boot CD to see if you can access the drive. If not, and you can open the enclosure, remove the drive(s) and use a USB to SATA interface (about $15) to check the drives

Hey thanks for the info. In the interim, I had removed a HDD from the enclosure and tried it in my docking station. Still not recognized.I saw that both the enclosure and docking station weere both plugged into the same esata controller card. I just happened to have a spare one,installed it and it's working just fine.

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