Anyone know how to LOCK THE TASKBAR in 98se??

I looked on an XP and if you right click the taskbar it has the option right there (Lock Taskbar) but not on 98se....

Im trying to get rid of the silly little LINE next to the word "Start" and i know its probably something easy like an entry in the registry or something but fgured i'd ask. (I notice that USER.DAT is modified each time i do something on the taskbar (Show a quick launch bar,etc.....) So im thinking it MIGHT be in there but im not sure (I dont have any quick launch bars showing normally..)

Thanx for any knowledge :)

In my expiriance it is not possible to get rid of that (annoying) line. The "USER.DAT" and "SYSTEM.DAT" are files with WINDOWS REGISTRY! DO NOT TEMPER WITH THEM! Or youll mess up windows and be forced to reinstall them. It is normal that they are modifyed whenever ANYTHING is modified regarding windows. All those settings are kept in windows registry.

Regarding the taskbar lockng, (can't remeber right now) if ther is an option for it, you might want to try program called tweaks for windows. There are lots of options and settings not normally available anywhere within the windows.

Yes i have heard of those.....Unfortunetly i dont know of any to "lock" the taskbar :(

Ah well.....Thanx mate!

there is no locking of takbar in win98

Theres gotta be.....

A registry tweak or something...... Why would they leave that out???

It doesnt make sense....... You shud be able to use a script for example to do it......... (Or just edit the registry)

Theres gotta be.....

A registry tweak or something...... Why would they leave that out???

It doesnt make sense....... You shud be able to use a script for example to do it......... (Or just edit the registry)

Well if you can i cant find any info on how to do it ,all i find is ,lock the taskbar [winxp only ]

I found some documentation on it


and it says to create a key "Taskbarsizemove" and set the value to 0 (For locked)

So it would be here


I tried creating a new DWORD value AND a new key but it didnt change status of taskbar (Although i didnt reboot,i dunno) (I think its talking about a new KEY under advanced,not a DWORD value,im not sure)

If this came form Winguides, it can be placed in the wrong branch of registry. I know that from my experiance.


I can make it so that i can't be moved..... but I'm struggling with the removal of the gay line.... I'll keep working on it though.

I don't understand the obsession with that line here. What is wrong with having that line? Why is it bothering so much ppl (me included)? Why would ppl temper with registry and crash the windows in attempt to get rid of it? Why did Bill Gates put it there in the first place? Why am I asking so many rhetorical questions about that line?

I don't understand the obsession with that line here. What is wrong with having that line? Why is it bothering so much ppl (me included)? Why would ppl temper with registry and crash the windows in attempt to get rid of it? Why did Bill Gates put it there in the first place? Why am I asking so many rhetorical questions about that line?

could't agree more !

I concur...

It's a matter of principle. Plain and simple. I started programming because of the fact that there were things I wanted on the system to be different, that were a specific way by default.... if I want to make any window stay on top of any other, damn it, I should be able to do that.... it's a matter of principle....

...and a matter of wanting the unattainable?


I wonder if "explorer.exe" could be modified and have an option for LOCK TACKBAR added (I think thats where it is in XP,not sure though)

Well, Like I said, I can get it to not move from it's location...... but getting rid of the line that says "ha ha", well, that's another story.



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I found some documentation on it


and it says to create a key "Taskbarsizemove" and set the value to 0 (For locked)

So it would be here


I tried creating a new DWORD value AND a new key but it didnt change status of taskbar (Although i didnt reboot,i dunno) (I think its talking about a new KEY under advanced,not a DWORD value,im not sure)

You cannot direct force to shell because there's no entry in systray library or in shell library regarding lock command in win98.

Yes i realize that now....

Trying this shell replacement may be the only way.....

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

I have downloaded that sounds like good one.

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