This just happened yesterday without me doing anything at all...

here's the problem: I start up win2k, then I log onto it, then an error message appears that says "your system has no paging file or your paging file is too small." then it gives instructions on how to adjust the paging file. I click on 'ok' then it logs on again, then, shows the s2pid error message again. when I click on 'ok' again, it goes through the same procedure again...

It's nice that it tells me how to adjust the paging file coz it says that it is the problem, but how the hell am I gonna get to adjust the paging file if i can't get past the logon?

Anybody? Help? Urgent?

here's what I have: win2k +SP4, AMD K6-2 500, 4G HDD

quite easy! I've done this on school millions of times! But I have a dutch version of Win2k. But anyway this is how I do it. Right-click on My Computer.
Your now in system properties.
Go to Advanced and than click the up-most button (it's called prestations here with me) Then you get this menu pop-up with Virtual memory! Or paging size, than you click [change...]. Okay I'll explain the menu from top to bottom.

On the top you can change the drive from which you want to draw the amount of MB's from, it would be wise to take the one with the most rpm and most size. After that you can change in number boxes the amount of size you wish to take. Mine is 384 MB's to 768 MB's besides those number boxes there is another configuration button, that's for input. And far below you can change the registry-size. It's a very good menu believe me, it's just located on a spot where you don't look very fast.

Like in Win98 there its also in the system config, but somewhere below in advanced if I recall correctly. also called prestations or something. I don't know the word in english ^-^'

This just happened yesterday without me doing anything at all...

here's the problem: I start up win2k, then I log onto it, then an error message appears that says "your system has no paging file or your paging file is too small." then it gives instructions on how to adjust the paging file. I click on 'ok' then it logs on again, then, shows the s2pid error message again. when I click on 'ok' again, it goes through the same procedure again...
here's what I have: win2k +SP4, AMD K6-2 500, 4G HDD

You need a bigger hard drive, or to aggressively clean up your current one. You are running out of swap space. A good dfrag wouldn't hurt, either.

apparently, he cannot get past the logon screen though.

apparently, he cannot get past the logon screen though.

Yeps, I can't get past the logon phase... but anyway, I took the HDD and put it to another computer, backed-up my files, then reformatted the dumb HDD and reinstalled fresh... thanks anyway... but in case it happens again, what could I possibly do to fix it? any ideas?

You should have just booted to safe mode, and changed the pagefile from there.

You should have just booted to safe mode, and changed the pagefile from there.

nopes! no good, tried that too...

here's the problem: I start up win2k, then I log onto it, then an error message appears that says "your system has no paging file or your paging file is too small." then it gives instructions on how to adjust the paging file. I click on 'ok' then it logs on again, then, shows the s2pid error message again. when I click on 'ok' again, it goes through the same procedure again...

has a free-download floppy disk image that, when expanded to a floppy, creates a bootable disk that will allow you to delete files or copy them from an NTFS partition to a FAT32 partition (or another hard drive) or a network. The site has other NTFS utilities as well, both free and for pay.

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