I was playing a DVD on my Dell ze5400 Pavillion laptop computer the other day. It runs on Windows XP. The dvd froze. There was nothing I could do except cut the power.

Now when I boot my laptop it gets to the blue Windows XP screen but doesn't go any farther. I have the system disc from which I can run the recovery console.

I have tried bootcgf /repair, but either I didn't run it correctly or it didn't work.


I am desperate for help on this too!! A was on the internet computer froze had to reboot!! And now when Windows loads it shows my background! But no start toolbar and no icons!!! Please Help!!! :!:

Louker: When you see the desktop wallpaper, press "Ctrl-Alt-Escape" to launch task manager. Then, click file>new task(run). In the run dialog box, type "explorer" and press enter.

Louker: When you see the desktop wallpaper, press "Ctrl-Alt-Escape" to launch task manager. Then, click file>new task(run). In the run dialog box, type "explorer" and press enter.

It's Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

If that doesn't work Ctrl+Alt+Del.

gemini4: you're right. Guess I'm a little more sleepy than I think :)

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