
I'm having a problem on startup of Windows XP Home Edition and on Shutdown (as well as a few other random instances). I get a popup window with with an error regarding "OPXPApp.exe". It's been going on for a few days. I downloaded a few programs like Spyware and Hijinks, but I don't really understand completely how they work or even if their applicable. I used to have my homepage continuosly rerouted to another page until I ran the Spyware. Can you help? I've installed all the updates from Windows Update available and I ran a full system check with Norton AntiVirus 2003. Thanks.

Without further information this would be tough to diagnose unless someone happens to have recently come across the exact same issue.

You were probably infected with some spyware, and one of your programs attempted to clean it but did not manage to restore some of the registry entries (guessing there, not really sure on that one). What does the error about OPXPApp.exe say exactly? With the exact error message you are more likely to get help with your problem.

To give you a quick fix I searched the net for OPXPApp.exe and it looks like it is part of software called OmniPass. If you have installed OmnipPass on your system I suggest you reinstall it. That may fix your problem.


I'm having a problem on startup of Windows XP Home Edition and on Shutdown (as well as a few other random instances). I get a popup window with with an error regarding "OPXPApp.exe".

Are you running the Softex OmniPass biometric application? That's the only reference that I have been able to find. It may have been damaged by the malware. If not, it may be another nasty, masquerading.

The exact error message is:

OPXPApp.exe - Application Error (Title Bar)


"The Application Failed To Initialize Properly (Oxc0000142). Click On OK To Terminate Application."

I'm not even sure what this program does. I guess it came with the computer package when I bought it. I tried to check out the website for the product, but none of the links worked or it said the site was under construction.

Industrys Best Solution for Managing Multiple Passwords in Todays Computing Environments


  • The best available solution for providing the most up-to-date secure password management for your system.
  • Supports Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4.0, Windows 2000 and XP.
  • OmniPass user friendly GUI is simple to install and easy to use.
  • Easy to import existing passwords.
  • Flexible on/off functionally.
  • Multi language support.
  • Quickly customizable to meet your implementation requirements.
  • Softex OmniPass for Windows Users Guide included.

If you've no need of it, uninstall it rather than reinstalling it. :)

I guess I don't need it so I uninstalled it. Problem Solved. Thanks Guys.

I too have this same OPXPApp.exe message that pops up every 15 minutes or so. I tried to follow the recommendations from the previous post, but when I got to delete OmniPass - I get a message saying "Renaming, moving or deleting OmniPass could make some programs not work. Are you sure you want to do this?"

That intimidated me a little bit, so I cancelled. Am I okay to go ahead and delete it?


I ended up deciding to go ahead and delete it, or as it turns out, try to delete it. It essentially told me Access was denied - the disk might be full or the program might be running.

I went through a process that I read on another posting file that had me go in and Turn off System Restore, then Restart, run a scan (Spybot in my case) and then Restart. Spybot found stuff (which I don't understand - I just know the bad stuff is in red and there is a check mark in the box), but when I click to Fix Problems - there were still things in red with checkmarks.

So, I restarted and unchecked Turn off System Restore. And I'm back to where I started with the message popping up every ten minutes or so.

Thanks for any help.

You need to remove the program from "Add/Remove Program Files" in control panel, not just by deleting the folder. If you for some reason must remove the folder manually, make sure to remove OPXPApp.exe from any startup, or kill it manually in the task manager if you can.

Removing it from Add/Remove of Control Panel worked. I haven't seen the message in 24 hours. Thanks a lot...

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