i'm haviing problems with my windows 7. i do some downloads and they stop before been finished :(
even the microsoft essencials isn't updated :(
what is going on with my OS? what isn't right?

Well you need to verify if your internet connection didnt get disconnected while you were updating. If that is the case then start the download again.

Is it possible that your ISP is throttling your data due to exceeding data caps? You might want to look into that.

Use a smart downloader. The MSupdates BITS is one, Opera browser uses one for all downloads. That way, if a download halts the software can restart it fro that point. Torrents, well, yeah... sometimes a source can drop off the net and not be replaced if it's a rare file.

the download always stoped. now i formated the pc and works fine.
thanks for all

Same here mate got 8.1 and updates wont install found crypto virus and removed it just seeing the results now

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