Our dear Windows XP died some time, there's quite an amount of applications that don't work on it anymore. That's because it is Windows NT 5.2, many relying libraries are not supported anymore, et cetera. But now, I'm wondering, what will happen with Windows 7? So far, it's the best made Microsoft piece of software. And it is called Microsoft NT 6.1, while Microsoft just released Microsoft NT 10 (Windows 10), would that be a sign that in near future (5 years), Windows 7 will become as disfunctional as Windows XP now has become? After all Windows XP got outdated because of very old shell which was incompatible with latest software, but Windows 7 should be still doing pretty well, since it knows how the new technologies of Microsoft work, so Windows 7 should still be working for next 20 years, shouldn't it?

Windows 7 will expire in 2020 at most that means there will be no more updates this will lead to more application been not able to run on that operating system
all the links for the downloads will be gone when it expires and still hang around torrent websites you can probably use the operating system if you still have the image.

XP use to be my main operating system until the pc fried itself during a black out. Although I still miss XP to this day although I have the image on my USB so i can install it.

Id like to also say that XP is still the most used operating system.

I think I prefer Windows 7 to XP, but then I REALLY prefer any Linux distribution over ANY Microsoft operating system! FWIW, this is written on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux clone, Scientific Linux, the OS that runs most major science labs in the world. If it's good enough for the LHC at Cern, it is good enough for me! :-)

commented: "I think I prefer Windows 7 to XP, but then I REALLY prefer any Linux distribution over ANY Microsoft operating system!" +2
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