I cant using my bootable pendrive to setup windows xp in my PC. How can i create bootable pen drive and how can i use it?

if the pen drive is bootable, why cant you install whichever OS you are trying to install. make the pen drive 1st priority bootable

Google is your friend. You can find instructions here on how to install Wiindows from a USB flash drive. This is for Windows 7. Should also work for XP.

there is also software for it, try wintoflash. It has a simple interface, just follow the on screen steps.

Novicorp WinToFlash you mean?

yes, that is the one!

I have used it many times and its great

yes, flashing the pendrive is the one and only best option to make your pendrive bootable.

@helenspencer - that is certainly not the case unless by flashing you mean copying anything to the drive. Here is a method using no third party software.

Don't waste your time with anything other than Hiren's Boot CD. Search for the "Hiren's Boot CD Download". It is 100% free so don't be scammed by someone trying to sell it. I've worked with computers for over 30 years. I had trouble making other bootable drives due to they all leave something out you need to know. Hiren didn't forget anything. Even a monkey can make a bootable CD\USB with Hiren's instructions.

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