Hey guys,

I want to setup a print computer. It needs to open a program on our server, as the program is a resource hog, and that's what we bought the server for. I was wondering if Citrix is the best way to do this? We have terminal services running, but we want to limit what the employees can access on the server... any sugestions?


Get a printer with a network card on board. This is the easiest solution and probably cheaper than citrix. Or buy a network printserver if you don't want to replace the printer you have.:rolleyes: This way you print straight to printer no sever needed or citrix. Just make sure the printer has a decent amount of ram or things will get sssllloooowww:sad:.

Keep things simple.

Well the thing is....

I work at an engineering company... which means like 30x36" plans (some of which are 350MB). The printer we have was $30-40k from what I've heard, and I've also heard there's only like 12 in the country. So buying a new printer is out... but it's ok, the printer has it's own controller with a NIC.

What the problem here is.....

The printing program we use to submit our plots (numerous plans at a time) is currently running on a really slow system, which I figure slows down the submit time. I purchased a Wyse Thin-net client to hook directly into our new server (see specs in profile), that way people could go to the thinnet client right by the printer but esentially be oppening the program on the server for processing. I need to do this but still limit what the user sees on the server...

Sorry, should have been more descriptive before ;)

If your running 2003 server can't you just set access rights to allow users to use only what thay have permission to:?:

Also i don't think it will make things any faster because the server running the printing progam still has to deal with all the requests. I think you should upgade or if possible replace with something more powerful. Also what speed does your network run at:?:

If your running 2003 server can't you just set access rights to allow users to use only what thay have permission to:?:

Also i don't think it will make things any faster because the server running the printing progam still has to deal with all the requests. I think you should upgade or if possible replace with something more powerful. Also what speed does your network run at:?:

didn't know I could do that... How do I set that up? We're running 1Gbs

didn't know I could do that... How do I set that up? We're running 1Gbs

In computer manage ment you can make users part of whatever group you like.eg if you select a user to have just user privilages they will have the following rights -
Users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes. Thus, Users can run certified applications, but not most legacy applications.
You can also set permissions. say you don't want anyone except yourself to access the "C:" drive, right click on it go to sharing, then permissions and you can say what group of users can access it. eg:
You make Bill, Fred & Cuthbert part of the user group in computer management. then in permissions of "C:" drive you deny any members which have only user privilages access to this folder.
This can be done to any folder you want.

This is just the basic principle of how it works. I hope you can follow this explaination. There is alot more to it you should check it out on Microsoft's site for a more in depth explanation.;)

Oh ok! I bet once we install ad i can use GP to do alot more in depth stuff can't i? didn't even think of that.

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