My laptop screen goes off after 15-30 secs. When I connect to external screen, display is perfect. Is it video cable issue or screen? I bought new screen as well and no help. Any quick response approciated.

Well, since an external display has no problem, I don't think it is the video adapter or chip set. It may be a problem with the connection between the adapter and the screen. Usually on a laptop that is a ribbon cable. It may have a bad or loose connector, or the solder connections for the connector are faulty. Dell usually fixes this stuff PDQ, so if you can live without your laptop for up to a week, then send it in for factory repair. If it is still under warranty, then they will send you a replacement with a factory-paid return box. You switch out your hard drive (simple to do) and send back the old system. They did that for me a number of times over the years, which is one reason I usually get the extended (3+ year) warranty.

Could be a cabling problem. I had to return my Inspiron for repair when the display died last September. It's started to flicker again so i will likely have to send it back in. Does it flicker when you reposition the lid? Does the display go dark when you boot in safe mode? There is a "hidden" video diagnostic you can run from a powered down state. Press and hold the D key when you power up.

Thanks for the quick replies. When should I confirm that display has gone? My problem is When I duplicate the screen on external TV, sometimes it shows low graphic display and when I extend display seperately or put "projector only" screen looks perfect. My laptop is not under warranty and obviously worried for repair cost. Please advise if I can take care

So if you are running with just the laptop, the display is good? It's only when you connect an external display that it goes black? That seems like it is a setting issue. On mine, when I connect to an external display via HDMI my laptop resolution changes (downgrades) to match the resolution of the external monitor. My new laptop only has an HDMI port for an external display. My older one (Inspiron 1720, which in my opinion is a better machine) has an actual external monitor port (DIN). This one allows me to run two separate monitors (dual display) with different resolutions. Since yours is also a Dell you likely have an extra control panel item specifically for NVIDIA or Intel Graphics which has advanced graphics settings that might allow you to select different options.

So, you do not have a laptp display issue, since it does work for 10 to 30 secs. The video adaptor correctly outputs to external monitor, but resolution does degrade. Humm - looks like there is a video setting issue here. Try playing with the video settings for second monitor while connected to the external display. This should not be a service repair other than you own.
Tech6916 (RoyDrive)

Thanks for your responses and I apologies for confusion.
Laptop screen display has lights but no image. I bought new laptop screen but same situation. I am little confused between cable problem or screen or Video chip problem.
Observations I posted earlier is completely on extetnal TV. Here below complete illustration.
We have 4 option in laptop.
1. Disconnect Projector (Computer Only) - Laptop shows nothing. screen has lights but no windows image. External TV shows nothing as expected.
2. Duplicate - Laptop screen shows 10-15 seconds when laptop started. then goes off. External TV shows low graphic/distorted/broken image display.
3. Extend - Laptop shows nothing. External TV is clear and perfect windows image.
4. Projector only - Laptop shows nothing as expected. External TV is perfect.

Can the expert solve my problem? I am attached to laptop and unique gift for me. Please help.

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