I reinstalled Windows and I got this error a few times (I re-formated each time... :|):

"Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start"

I can't connect to the internet. What do I do?

Yeah, I saw that first site already.

After 4 formats... I didn't get the problem again.

But incase I do, I have that site ripped on my HDD and I'll give it a shot. :O

OK, I've got some progress.

I used a file wwdc.exe (Windows Worms Doors Cleaner) to close some ports (445, 135, 137, 138 and 139).

Some of the ports appear to be NetBIOS (Whatever that might be, my knowledge is limited).

I went to the device manager and start netbt.sys, rebooted and DHCP Client is back up.

What I want to know is is there a way to close 137, 138 and 139 without disabling the "NetBios over Tcpip" device? Or some other thing... Whatever, just make it work, please. D:

That's beyond my expertise...perhaps someone else will have the answer you seek.

us ethe console window and perform the ipconfig /release/renew steps.

That won't work because the DHCP client isn't on incase I block NetBIOS 139 port. The "TCP/IP Protocol Driver" is a required device that must be on if I wish DHCP Client to be started.

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