i have been using windows xp for a very long time and this is the first time that this problem has appeared.

when i double click on a folder in windows xp, it either opens the folder within a new windows, even though in the folder options i have set it to open within the same window and sometimes when double clicking the folder the search window appears.

i belive this has something to do with the files types in the folder options but i am not sure what it is.

please can you help me

thank you

Several things to check out.

1) Any chance your mouse is faulty?

2) You might want to check out your mouse's settings and be sure double-clicking is possible. Oftentimes, variables such as speed and such make it nearly impossilbe to do.


my mouse settings are perfectly fine

the folders don't open like they normally do but instead it opens the search feature by default as if i right-clicked the folder and selected search.

Control Panel > Folder Options

on General Tab > Restore Defaults

on View Tab > Reset all folders

Any help

BTW if anyone saw my earlier attempts, sorry, I messed up.

Control Panel > Folder Options

on General Tab > Restore Defaults

on View Tab > Reset all folders

Any help

BTW if anyone saw my earlier attempts, sorry, I messed up.

I see this msg. is old, I run into same prob. when it opens, it opens in search mode. Tried everything I know of! How did you, (OR did you?) fix it?

For Windows XP

Go to Control Panel -------> Folder Options --------> File Type

Choose "Folder" from the list, then click to "Advanced". There look for explore. If you cannot find it choose "New". Write "explore" to first blank field without quotation marks. Write explorer.exe to second blank field. Then click OK. Be sure explore is on top, if not make it Default. Then OK, OK, OK........... (if "Folder" is not damaged, try "File Folder")

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