Since downloading Windows SP2 I decided to delete it to see if it would help and it didn't. I have also downloaded Norton Internet Security 2006 and it is still up and running. Before doing this I had quite alot of free space left on my hard drive, now I don't. In fact out of 69.4GB I have only 28.6 GBs left. Before the downloads it was just about the opposite. I don't have very much knowledge in the computer field, and would be most grateful if someone could help me. Thanking you in advance, Kenny

How much RAM do you have in your computer? What's the processor speed?

You should also check which services are running. A quick way to find this out is to do a CTRL-ALT-DELETE, and then note the items in the listing. Could you post those here?

Lastly, when did you last reformat your computer's hard drive? A hard drive should ideally be reformatted every year. You should try reformatting if nothing else helps.


Dump Norton; can't tell you how many times computers are magically "cured" of their slowness issues once it is uninstalled. And go with AVG antivirus (free) and just use the Windows firewall. Good enough for 90% of the typical home users out there. You'll see what I mean once you do.

Dont hurt yourself with Windows firewall it's too broken get ZoneAlarm and AVG, dump Norton completely. If you need help doing it get at me.

Dont hurt yourself with Windows firewall it's too broken get ZoneAlarm and AVG, dump Norton completely. If you need help doing it get at me.

Oh! great!:rolleyes: Now you all tell me that after I just bought Norton Internet Security suit.

I could almost guarantee its because you dont have enough ram.

Norton is a resource hog everyone I know who uses it says that. Heck, I used it and was dissatisfied with it when my computer ran slower than normally.

yup. uninstall norton, get avg or avg free & zone alarm. Get rid of any anti-spyware programs you may have. in avg select "scan settings check off all the extra scan options-save settings and your all set. dont forget to update avg and scan often. Also see if you can take norton back to the store and trade it for a system mechanic program, which will help speed up your system. And ram always help I prefer at least 1 gig for xp. Good luck.

asclinton,this thread died sept 2006. suggestion for future check date of first post in thread before adding comments.Later---

dually noted friend.thank you.

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