Hi everybody,

We are using Outlook2003. I need some help from you. When I click Send/Receive, i receive one and the same message more than 7 times and if i marked it to download and leave a message on the server, it says that the message is no longer on the server...this repeats every time i click Send/Receive. And actually i don't get any new mails...

What could be done?

Thanks in advance

I had a problem like this, with McAfee. It sent every single mail item into the spam / quarantine folder.

I think the Privacy program was the culprit.

Maybe your friendly AV/Spam program is a little over zelous.

Suffice to say, that was bye bye McAfee.

Just a thought.

The problem is solved. It was in the size of the attachments and the headres only. My boss change it and this happened. When i changed it back, everything is as before.

Thanks anyway


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