Okay, jsut to clarify, my OS is XP-HE/sp2. I'm trying to remove BF2 (battlefield2) the game and add/remove programs won't let me. When I attempt to remove any other program it prepares to. But when I click on the remove option for BF2 the pane just flickers and then reappears and nothing happens. If anyone can help me remedy this I appreciate it.

"Just flickers", sort of like this?
Anyway, EA has manual uninstall instructions here.

Just go to the directory of the game, and use the uninstall executable, enless this is the same, which it probably is, if so just delete the whole game directory. SIMPLE AS THAT!

Windows add/remove programs is already hooking into the custom uninstaller in the game's directory. And if you manually install something, DON'T just delete the game directory as that actually CAUSES the problem he has. There are any number of shortcuts, registry settings, and hidden files and folders which are not stored in the games directory (or not even in explorer, IE the registry settings).


Simple as that, eh? I don't even want to think about how messy your registry is if you use this method to uninstall programs.

Windows add/remove programs is already hooking into the custom uninstaller in the game's directory. And if you manually install something, DON'T just delete the game directory as that actually CAUSES the problem he has. There are any number of shortcuts, registry settings, and hidden files and folders which are not stored in the games directory (or not even in explorer, IE the registry settings).

Simple as that, eh? I don't even want to think about how messy your registry is if you use this method to uninstall programs.

I dont usually do things this way im just talking about a last resort.

If u have the installation cd for the game than just reinstall the thing. that way if u dont want the game on your comp, u can delete it after you restore it with the installation disk. BUT, it might act the same when trying to uninstall it again, but its a good idea to try. if it still acts the same than, its your system.

I'll say it again:
Don't uninstall a program by just deleting the directory, even as a last resort.
If the uninstall program/add&remove programs doesn't work correctly, and still doesn't after a repair/reinstall then wipe every reference in windows through a search for the program name, then publisher, then distributor (keep in mind you may have other programs from the same publisher/distributor, so double check any hits for those before deletion). Then do the same in the registry. If you skip the registry phase, you'll leave bits of the program floating around.

D. Ryan! lol Well, D.Ryan said some good stuff for you. You can use his method but first try to go into safemode and run the uninstall there.

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