Hi Everyone....
I am new here...and i have a problem with my laptop computer.
Its a compaq presario 1247....I recently had Win 98 on it, but i thought if i upgraded to WIn2000 it would improve its performance. After Installing WIn 2000, everytime I boot up, I either get to the desktop,,, and it freezes, allowing me not to click on anything, or before it gets to the desktop, this blue screen pops up quickly before i get the chance to read it, and it restarts my computer only to do it again.

Can anyone plz help me?

Thanks in advance

First of all- does it work if you boot into safe mode?

And second, did you download the component drivers for your laptop from HP's website and install them after you installed Windows 2000?

First of all- does it work if you boot into safe mode?

yea,it works if i boot into safe mode.

And no, i havent gone to the hp website to download any component drivers for my laptop.

Did you do a clean install or upgrade?

Either way I think you're in trouble.

Compaq Presario computers, whether desktop or laptop, are notorious for being difficult to get running under Windows versions that are different to the ones they are shipped with. Compaq's component drivers simply don't seem up to the task, and Compaq were never diligent in updating those drivers to work under newer versions of Windows.

Here's the Driver Download page for your laptop:


It has drivers for Windows 95, 98, Me, and NT4, but not for 2000 or XP.

You could try the NT4 drivers to see if they work under Windows 2000, but if you have a 'Restore CD' with that laptop, your best option is to restore it back to its original, Windows 98 functionality

is there anyway i can restore it to Win98 without the CD? Bcuz i dont have the restore disk....


Did you do a clean install or upgrade?

i didnt do a clean install....i basically just upgraded.

I'm afraid your best option at this point is to do a clean install of either 2k or 98, preferably 98.

You need to start over. I've had similar problems. For me, it was damaged Windows files in XP. However, yours sounds different.

The point is, your cheapest and probably fastest option is to start over. And yes, you need the disks.

OK if you 'upgraded', and you chose to 'Save your Operating System files' or somesuch during the upgrade installation of Windows 2000, then you have a 'ray of hope'. Don't touch that laptop again until someone comes along with instructions about restoring it back to Windows 98.
(I'm sorry, I haven't got those instructions to hand just at present - I'll look them up later if no-one beats me to it.)

That process may or may not give you back a stable Windows 98 laptop.

Your next best option is to download the NT4 component drivers, and use your Windows 2000 CD to format and do a clean install of 2000, using the NT4 drivers for the internal components. If it works, it works, if not then no loss.

Failing that you'd have to purchase a Windows 98 or Windows Me CD, download the relevent drivers, and get the laptop going with those. Your chances of getting hold of a copy of the original Recovery CD are about nil!

ok, plz...if someone has the instructions for me, i'd really appreciate it.
Catweazle and Danny, thanks for ur replies.

Instructions for what?

Which course of action do you plan to try:

Install Windows 98 (You've indicated you have no CD to do it with)
Start over again with Windows 2000
Download the NT4 drivers and try those?

Hi Everyone....
I am new here...and i have a problem with my laptop computer.
Its a compaq presario 1247....I recently had Win 98 on it, but i thought if i upgraded to WIn2000 it would improve its performance. After Installing WIn 2000, everytime I boot up, I either get to the desktop,,, and it freezes, allowing me not to click on anything, or before it gets to the desktop, this blue screen pops up quickly before i get the chance to read it, and it restarts my computer only to do it again.

Can anyone plz help me?

Thanks in advance

I can most certainly help you...

First off, one thing you will want to check is to make sure the BIOS was updated to most recent version (if it's still available on Compaq's site). Second, make sure that the video driver is up to date.

As I recall, this particular unit (had 2 myself) was not very fond of 2000, but actually loved XP. There were a lot of hoops to jump through to get the machine to work with 2000 compared to the 98SE OS that it was intended for. On Screen Display, hotkeys, etc...mostly were written for 98SE for this model. My suggestion, that is if you don't need all the eye candy and whatnot, is to go straight to XP. Not as many drivers needed to load, and WinXP will automatically detect 99% of the devices in the 1247. Been there, done that.

Hope that helps out...


guys i know its been decades, but i just saw your post now, i think the problem is an antivirus or you've installed something that is very hard to load that the system RAM can't handle... thats why you get a blue screen!

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