Hello all! I am not very computer savy so bare with me.......when I try to load games from CD-ROM this error message comes up:

Windows cannot find E:\Setup.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click search.

Its happening with all of the games we have! We have windows XP and all of the games we are trying are supposed to be compatible with it. PLEASE help!!! [IMG]http://www.newbie.org/help/style_emoticons/default/Thanx.gif[/IMG]

We have tried saving the files to our hardrive and opening it, no luck....we have also deleted our CD ROM and DVD ROM and restarted and we still have a problem! Did we delete something somewhere along the way that we needed to open these kinds of things?

are you using an "administrator" account or a "limited" account?

If you are ona limited account you cannot install most things or run most games

How do I know if I am using an administrator or a limited account??? :rolleyes:

if your do control panel -> users you should see your name and picture on the right, it says something like

James Bennet
Computer Administrator
Password Protected

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