I have a HP mx 70. running MS me.I cannot get my task systems to work. My disk defragmentor, task sche, etc.. all of them have red x's on them when I access them through "Start"..explore...task folder. What can I do?

I say reinstall your system or restore it. Use that disk that came with your system seems like you got a bad case of having a old computer.

I would also install WinXP or Win2K and higher.

Thank you for your reply. I will have to read up on how to save my "stuff", but I guess I am up to it. Thanks again for your assistance.

Ok that was easy ha good deal keep us informed on what is going on.

Thanks for asking for an update. Please understand, I am a 56 year old lady in Texas and it was my daughter that got me into having a computer, All of this is really new to me, but I try. I did as you suggested and reformated and re set up my system. I tried the restore tape but it came across problems it could not repair. I have been able to reinstall everything except my printer. When I first tried to set it up , after the reformating, I got a notice telling me I needed to run Quicklink111 before it would install my printer. I did that. Then when I tried to install the printer I got a thing telling me to enter information for setting up a fax system. I can't seem to get passed some form of either that message or one that says my printer is not connected correctly...it is still connected the same way it was when I stsrted. If you could help me with that I sure would appreciate it. Thank you.Murphy

My printer is a HP845C connected to a HP pavillion III

Hello again. I went to the site you gave me however, it still didn't work. I have the disk that came with my computer so what I had to do was uninstall my printer completely and re install it from the disk. I sure do thank you for your help. I now have it all up and going again. I'm sure this isn't the last you have heard from me. I screw up a lot.lol Murphy

Good luck Murphy feel free to contact us when having questions and problems.

I get that red X when I click on a link on a page that I have just linked to.
Only some links are red x's, others are fine.
Any suggestions?

I get that red X when I click on a link on a page that I have just linked to.
Only some links are red x's, others are fine.
Any suggestions?

Hi, Judie, you need to direct your question to a new thread. They may not find you on the end of mine. I'm very new at this, but it sounds as if you need to download a viewer or something, anyway, the folks here will give you the advise you need to take care of your problem, but they have to know you are here! lol Have a good one, Murphy

Hi, Judie, you need to direct your question to a new thread.

True- We ask that members abide by our "one member's question per thread" rule. New members should read the "Forum rules when posting" announcement at the top of each forum's main page for more info on our posting guidelines.


Please post your question in its own separate thread, and when you do, try to be as specific as possible and include as much information as you can. From what you have described, it does sound like A) you don't have the proper plug-in to process the contents of the "X"ed links, or B) the content linked to simply isn't available for some reason at the time you're trying to view it. The later would be a problem on the website's side; not much you can do about that.

* Marking this thread as solved, as the original poster's problem appears to be fixed now.

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