I have to preface this by saying i dont know alot about computers, i know some but i guess i am here b/c i dont know enough.

I have been using a not so legit version of XP, i know bad, but i have bought the good version and obtained a copy of SP2(from microsoft).

So i decided to reformat my computer and followed the general instructions. I backed up some programs, music and pictures and set through the motions and everything worked fine, except I CANNOT GET AN INTERNET CONNECTION.

I am using a lynksys 10/100 ethernet card which usually shows 1, 2, or 3 lights. When im not connected to the internet it goes to one light and i can usually find the problem but now it shows no lights and i cannot connect through my DSL.

I am wondering if there is a driver i erased when formatting? I dont know how as this is not the first time i have reformatted my computer and have not run into this problem.

When i first turn on the computer all three lights do light up on the lynksys card but then systematically go out before the XP is fully loaded. Also when i go into the XP repair area all three lights stay lit.

Any ideas?

Am i in the wrong forum? Does anybody have a suggestion on where i should post this to get a resolution.

I am going to try and grab a new driver this weekend as that seems to be the only thing that i can think of, after that i dont know.

You most likely lost a driver in the format. I don’t know if linksys requires this, but be aware that some cards must be taken out of the computer before installing the drivers/software. I may be wrong about your card, but it’s best to make sure and possibly save some time.

You most likely lost a driver in the format. I don’t know if linksys requires this, but be aware that some cards must be taken out of the computer before installing the drivers/software. I may be wrong about your card, but it’s best to make sure and possibly save some time.

Well i solved the prob. by reinstalling my "hacked" version with the code from the new disc and it worked. I added my SP2 which came seperately and i updated on microsoft with about 70 updates. Do you think i still need SP1 or did the updates cover that? None of the updates specifically indicated SP1.

sp2 is sp1 with all the newer updates

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