Hi All,
I hope somebody can help b4 I go mad. i have a web page I need to open it is a ASP.net page (or so it says) http://www.ths.teleware.com/ then click on click here. When I try it wont open. In a new window in tries to open then fails. Within the same window the window just bombs out. No impact on the laptop. I've switched of pop-up blocker, disabled Norton security. I've even tried it with Firefox - the window opens but doesn't load the content.

Can anybody PLEASE offer some advice. I haven't tried a complete an OS re-install (XP) as I'm not sure this would help as the same problem with Firefox. I've searched to see if this is a common problem but can't find anything

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

Hello John,

Have you tried resetting the router/modem? This will sometimes cause problems on only 1 computer.

Also, do you have any firewall/AntiVirus software running on this computer? If so, have you tried accessing the site with it off?

Lastly, have you tried resetting the Hosts file? This might be the problem.


Hello John,

Have you tried resetting the router/modem? This will sometimes cause problems on only 1 computer.

Also, do you have any firewall/AntiVirus software running on this computer? If so, have you tried accessing the site with it off?

Lastly, have you tried resetting the Hosts file? This might be the problem.


Thanks for your advice. The problem happens no matter which location I log in from. I switched off all antiVirus and firewalls. And every other PC I've tried it with had no problem. I managed to find a work around by using firefox. The window opens but with no content and I looked at the source code and got the URL for the opened page.I open that page directly and it works in explorer and firefox. Again thanks for your help.

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