I formatted and reinstalled XP but now I have two versions of XP. What to do. And I tried at Add/Remove Programs but ther's no other windows

I formatted and reinstalled XP but now I have two versions of XP. What to do. And I tried at Add/Remove Programs but ther's no other windows

will the computer boot into both versions ?????

no. i had boot.ini problems with previous version so I formatted and reinstalled. so it boots into new version easily but it cant boot into the previous.

no. i had boot.ini problems with previous version so I formatted and reinstalled. so it boots into new version easily but it cant boot into the previous.

So you don't have 2 just the wrong info in the new boot.ini ,easy fix is to change the amount of time it takes to boot to the good one ,right click on mycomputer/properties /advanced /startup and recovery ,settings and lower the time to display operating system to about 5 sec or so .this way you won't have to wait the full 30 seonds or hit the enter key

When you say you reformatted and reinstalled, did you delete the exisiting partition?

It sounds like you installed a fresh copy on a new partition and left the old one there.

If you only did this recently and haven't installed a lot of other stuff yet, the cleanest way (IMO) is to do it again, but this time delete all partitions so the whole disk is unformatted, then do a full NTFS format.

no i installed at the same partition. and thanks to caperjack. It worked

And I edited boot.ini file. Just simply deleted the other Windows and it now boots by itself. Thanks to everyone who posted here.

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