Hi, my laptop suddendly crashed on me it would boot up but half way through a blue screen would appear for about 1 second then go and windows would boot up again. This cycle constantly continued without actually loading windows at all.
So with this happening i thought i'd try and reinstall windows from my disc. Reading from a few sites i followed the instructions and get to the screen: Windows Xp Home Edition Setup where it says please wait while setup formats the partition. After it being on for about 2 hours it only managed to get to 3%(twice now it has stopped at 3%) Please any advice on this matter would be grateful because i'm pulling my hair out now. I'm not bothered about any files i've lost but would like my laptop up and running for surfing the net.
Thanks in advance

Well, you've lost anything on the drive by trying to format anyway, even if it didn't complete.

If formatting stops at 3% each time it's pointing strongly at a HDD problem.

To be sure, you could run a HDD diagnostic test, but I'd wager you'll likely find that's where the problem is.

Is the machine under warranty?

No the machine isn't under warranty.
What is a HDD problem please?? Is it repairable and how do i perform this test. Sorry i'm a bit thick on things like this. But it doesn't sound good to me whatever it is.
Thanks again in advance

The HDD is the hard disk drive.

You'll need access to a computer with Internet connectivity and a CD burner, plus a blank CD-R.

Go to this link:


Download the file and install it on the computer you are using at the time.

Then go to this link:


Download that file to your computer. Run it and allow it to extract files to the default folder (say YES to create the folder if it asks you).

Now go to All Programs and run the program called Imagewriter (you installed this when you ran the first downloaded file above). Put your blank CD in the drive and cancel any automatic Windows 'what do you want to do' messages.

When it asks which file you want to use, navigate to the c:\diagcd21\diagcd21.iso file and burn it to disk.

Once the disk is created, put it in your broken laptop, turn the laptop off, then turn it on again. It should boot from the CD and then give you the opportunity to run a Long HDD (hard disk) test. The utility supportsd a wide range of disk manufacturers.

If the HDD is faulty you'll have to get a new one fitted.

Hi thanks very much for your great help. It says i have a HDD error then comes up with
do you know what i'm supposed to type in here or do i just have to buy a new HDD now.
Thanks again

That just means the program crashed out to DOS.

No, now you need to get the new HDD and fit it, then restore Windows and all the drivers.

hey i have a question my computer did the same thing. do all i have to do is put in the windows xp setup disk becuase i dont have a boot disk

Mine's been on 1% for like an hour. Starting to get impatient. I thought the whole thing would take about an hour, but apparently I'll have to let it format for over four days straight? Damn....

Mine's been on 1% for like an hour. Starting to get impatient. I thought the whole thing would take about an hour, but apparently I'll have to let it format for over four days straight? Damn....

it maybe that the harddrive is bad ,it should not take more than a few minutes to maybe and hr. to format the drive

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