I don't know if anyone can figure this out. I used to have a PC & had Windows Media Player 10 & have since bought a laptop & although I'm using the same files, & WMP 10 some of my music files are played near to the end but not complately.
Has anyone had this & has anyone any ideas what could have caused this?
Thank you.

PS. I havw Windows XP Pro, version 2002 Service pack 2

Try uninstalling and reinstalling MP10. I'm guessing that this is an issue with the WMP being corrupt.

Thank you. I'll try that.

Thank you so much for your help. That fixed the problem!

You're very welcome. Get back to us if you have any other issue. Marking this thread as solved.

You're very welcome. Get back to us if you have any other issue. Marking this thread as solved.

Sorry I have realized I am still having the same problem. I am still not able to listen to some songs fully! Any ideas?:o

this happens to me - music plays to the end on my pc but not on my PDA and music plays fine on my MP3 player but not on my wifi stereo

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