I have Windows XP VGN-A190 laptop and my local Drive C keeps saying I have NO space left. I have deleted eveything I can and moved other things but to no avail. Is my only option now to have it formatted? I have an external drive where I am keeping everything as well just in case the main computer crashes, but I cannot download anything and it is getting ridiculous! HELP! JL

I have Windows XP VGN-A190 laptop and my local Drive C keeps saying I have NO space left. I have deleted eveything I can and moved other things but to no avail. Is my only option now to have it formatted? I have an external drive where I am keeping everything as well just in case the main computer crashes, but I cannot download anything and it is getting ridiculous! HELP! JL

right click on mycomputer /properties/tools/ and run a chkdisk ,also search net for ccleaner and use it to remove temp file and the like .

right click on mycomputer /properties/tools/ and run a chkdisk ,also search net for ccleaner and use it to remove temp file and the like .

Thanks very much for your help on this. I did what you suggested but there doesn't seem to be any difference. I already run Content Cleaner and Drive Cleaner every time I come offline. Nothing has seemed to work. I cannot seem to figure out how to get more space on that drive. I really am at my wit's end about this. Thanks for your suggestions! JL

Thanks very much for your help on this. I did what you suggested but there doesn't seem to be any difference. I already run Content Cleaner and Drive Cleaner every time I come offline. Nothing has seemed to work. I cannot seem to figure out how to get more space on that drive. I really am at my wit's end about this. Thanks for your suggestions! JL

go to
mycomputer ,click on the c: and what is the amount of the drive and the free space .

go to
mycomputer ,click on the c: and what is the amount of the drive and the free space .

Capacity is 13.9 GB
USED: 13.7 GB
FREE: 195 MB

I deleted and moved everything I could. I've cleaned with ContentCleaner and Drive Cleaner. I am obviously missing something. Any idea what that can be? Thanks again!

Capacity is 13.9 GB
USED: 13.7 GB
FREE: 195 MB

I deleted and moved everything I could. I've cleaned with ContentCleaner and Drive Cleaner. I am obviously missing something. Any idea what that can be? Thanks again!

I was also wondering if I restore it back to factory settings, does that make a difference with Drive space?

I was also wondering if I restore it back to factory settings, does that make a difference with Drive space?

Hi guys

if you are running XP and system restore is set to on we have a problem. System restore requires a minimun of 200 meg and therefore will not allow any further writing to the disk. I suggest turning off system restore for the time being and move some of the files to CD's or DVD or an external drive.

System Restore is used to restore your system to an earlier date and it creates restore points every day.

Hope this helps
South Africa

Capacity is 13.9 GB
USED: 13.7 GB
FREE: 195 MB

I deleted and moved everything I could. I've cleaned with ContentCleaner and Drive Cleaner. I am obviously missing something. Any idea what that can be? Thanks again!

ok,your harddrive is like,full.so you have to do as suggested and backup you music and picture and other created data files to cd or dvd ,
also did you empty you recycle bin,what you really need to do is decide on removal of some of the programs you don't need or use very often and uninstall them

Hi guys

if you are running XP and system restore is set to on we have a problem. System restore requires a minimun of 200 meg and therefore will not allow any further writing to the disk. I suggest turning off system restore for the time being and move some of the files to CD's or DVD or an external drive.

System Restore is used to restore your system to an earlier date and it creates restore points every day.

Hope this helps
South Africa

Hi Darren!
Thanks for your help on this. I did go ahead and restore it to the factory settings. That took care of the problem! I saved everything on my external drive and was able to install some needed programs again. Many thanks to you! Jennie in London

ok,your harddrive is like,full.so you have to do as suggested and backup you music and picture and other created data files to cd or dvd ,
also did you empty you recycle bin,what you really need to do is decide on removal of some of the programs you don't need or use very often and uninstall them

I went ahead and restored it to factory settings which took care of the problem. I will take it in and have the C drive formatted professionally to get rid of all the factory programs that I reaslly do not want, but at this time, I have loads of space free on my CDrive and all is well. Thanks very much for your help. Jennie in London

lol,good to gooooo

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