Just need a information on how to fix my run command.
When I try to open from the run command icon in the start menu I get a window in the middle of the screen that states "windows cannot place a shortcut here Do you want the shortcut placed on the desktop instead" And a yes and no button.If you click yes the same thing happens. I can open the run command with the windows button and r on the keyboard but I would like to be able to use the icon.


ok, i'm going to say something really stupid-sounding..... it seems like the "run" shortcut in the start area is broken. So try removing it [go start, rclick the blue header or tail, > properties, start menu, customise, advanced, and uncheck run command. Reboot, and recheck that box. Please don't be too hard on me if this fails, or is just laughable....

I have tried that and left it unchecked for weeks .When I recheck it and click on run the same message appears as before. I almost think the problem lies in the reg.But I cant find where the reg key is or how to edit it. Thanks for looking and advising.

yeah, i was being VERY hopeful.... i also searched registry, but i simply refuse to do a a search for "run". I cannot find any shortcut/ target for it, so i can only suggest that you run system file checker ; start > run [ok, i'm teasing now], type sfc /scannow, cos it could be shell32.dll letting you down. Or another one.... :)

Well I did the sfc scan and everything checked out fine also did a virus and adaware scan and ran reg scan. Cant find out what is causing the problem. If you have anymore ideas I am willing to try.Thanks for the info and the jab about start-RUN LOL

one more... if u go start and then rclick Run what do you see in the wee white box that opens? Run? or Create shortcut????
And see in c:\Windows that you have update kb908531..... or control panel [check show updates box]

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