I have deleted the history, cookies and temporary internet files, and I have also cleared the autocompletes forms and passwords. My problem is that when i type a letter the address bar it will show "Search for (the letter)" , show links and any address that begins with that letter. I used to be able to clear everything like i said in the begining and it worked fine. Please any help would be appreciated.

do you have IE7?

Upgrade to IE7 then do:

Tools - delete browsing history - delete all


i agree fully with jbennet on this but you can use this simple program. it cleans like you wont belive


download and run

South Africa

there was a great "tracks ereaser" in the beta of microsoft antispyware (which has now become windows defender) but for some reason this tool isnt available in it

Hey thanks for you help, i am going to download ie7 right now. Again you help is very appreciated.

i don't use IE7 and hope never to have to,don't like it ,
but i do use ccleaner,to do what you want to do , and recommend it highly

Give firefox a go - good browser and also has an option to clear all histories for you.

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