My secondary HDD recently failed and I was working inside my system case.

Now all is back to normal but I get a "Your system case has been opened - Press F1 to continue" message at boot up.

I don’t see any clear CMOS features in my bios. I've tried up plugging the system from power but don't know how to clear this CMOS message from the boot sequence.

Give me a netserver and I can fix this problem...
Home PC's, well I don’t work on them enough to know if they can clear CMOS or not.

Win2k, SP4. P3-450

Somewhere in your BIOS setup menus there will be a setting for "Case Alarm" or similar. If you disable the setting, you'll no longer get the message.

Including details of the make/model of your motherboard, or the make/model of your PC if it's a 'name-brand' one, will help us to determine clearer details of how to correct it.

commented: are you a pro? :) -Yzk +18

Somewhere in your BIOS setup menus there will be a setting for "Case Alarm" or similar. If you disable the setting, you'll no longer get the message.

Including details of the make/model of your motherboard, or the make/model of your PC if it's a 'name-brand' one, will help us to determine clearer details of how to correct it.

System Information report written at: 06/01/2004 01:02:11 PM
[System Summary]

Item Value
OS Name Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name TEST
System Manufacturer Seanix Technology (Canada) Inc.
System Model TCO
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 Genuine Intel ~448 Mhz
BIOS Version Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Windows Directory C:\WINNT
System Directory C:\WINNT\system32
Boot Device Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
Locale United States
User Name TEST\test1
Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 261,616 KB
Available Physical Memory 86,928 KB
Total Virtual Memory 891,124 KB
Available Virtual Memory 536,660 KB
Page File Space 629,508 KB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

Now all is back to normal but I get a "Your system case has been opened - Press F1 to continue" message at boot up.

you might just be able to hit the key to enter setup instead of hitting F1,and just enter bios and then exit it saving changes ,this might get ridof message .

With an Award BIOS, it's highly likely that pressing the <Delete> key repeatedly while the machine is first turned on will get you into BIOS setup.

Make no changes other than the one to disable the 'Case alarm' or 'case alert' one mentioned, and make sure you 'Save & exit' when you've made the change.

:-| I went into the bios and could not find anything in the menus regarding a sensor for the case; I thought it was a good idea too. I looked up the Award web site for FAQ but there are none.

I think a good solution would be to flash my bios and give it an upgrade. I am sure that would fix it and give lastest features as well.

I have flashed bios before on other AT machaines I am sure it will work fine. It is what I would do on to clear CMOS on netserver.

I will let you know how it goes.

Try removing the battery from the motherboard for a few seconds. That should clear your CMOS.

I am sure that will work...
Thank you RJ for your suggestion.

Consider this problem solved and close the thread.

To everyone who provides assistance on this forum, I am very impressed with your willingness to help others.

Its fun and educational to read through the work being done here. :cool:

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