I am having trouble burning files to CD. The Cd's i usually use (Imation CD-R) do not seem to work any longer. Towards the end of the burning process, an error message appears saying

"Cannot complete the CD writing wizard. There was an error in thr writing process"

without any further details as to why.

The peculiar thing is that CD-RW's seem to work fine. As i said, i have always used this type of CD-R and never had any problems before.

any help or advice would be much appreciated.

This is because some cd burners can only write to one or the other. There is no fix other than to buy a new cd burner, sorry.

This is because some cd burners can only write to one or the other. There is no fix other than to buy a new cd burner, sorry.

can't it be because the burner lens became dirty?

I have to say that I really really doubt it. How old is it?

This is because some cd burners can only write to one or the other. There is no fix other than to buy a new cd burner, sorry.

I have to disagree ,maybe I missed it somewhere along the line the past 9 years of owning a cd burner,and now a dvd /cd burner combo. ,but i have never heard of a cd burner that only burnt cd-rw ,and not cd-r .,now there are/were dvd burners made that only burn dvd+r's and not dvd -r's ,btr they are becoming a thing of the past
Yes it could be a dirty lenses ,as burning to cd r a cd rw is done a different level/power /deeper how ever you want to refer t othe type of burn !!

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