Hi to all (new poster speaking!),

I'm having trouble with a copy of WinXP on my laptop. For the past 48 hours my **AV has been finding that winlogon.exe has been infected by W32/PEPatch.N. This appears at start-up and whenever a document is loaded, but otherwise the laptop seemed to work as usual.

I tried searching for info on W32/PEPatch.N but couldn't find any info and **AV had no info either.

This morning when I clicked on 'Heal' within the **AV warning, the system threw up a BSOD saying:

STOP: c0000021a {Fatal System Error}
The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x0000034 (0x00000000 0x00000000).
The system has shut down.

I've tried restarting in Safe Mode but the same error appears and the loop continues. I'm thinking a repauir install of XP may be in order to fix a corrupted winlogon.exe.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried last known good configuration?

1. Start your computer.
2. When you see the "Please select the operating system to start"
message, press the F8 key.
3. When the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, use the l
ARROW keys to select Last Known Good Configuration (your most
recent settings that worked), and then press ENTER.

Had tried that. Bit the bullet and replaced winlogon.exe with a copy from the WinXP CD and problem solved. Thanks for the advice anyway.

Had tried that. Bit the bullet and replaced winlogon.exe with a copy from the WinXP CD and problem solved. Thanks for the advice anyway.

I know it's been awhilw, but how did you replace winlogon.exe? I am having the same problem. I can't get into anything just blue screen. Thanks for any help you can give.

welcome mc
post the BSod code here

I am trying to do the repair (I could not run a chkdsk). However, when I get to "welcome to setup" and press continue on my keynoard, nothing happens. I am unable to get past this screen.

have no idea what to tell you as i have no way of know what you are doing wrong, as only you can see the screen in front of you !!
maybe , time to take it to a person you know who fixes computers
check this ,

have no idea what to tell you as i have no way of know what you are doing wrong, as only you can see the screen in front of you !!
maybe , time to take it to a person you know who fixes computers
check this ,

During step four of the directions you gave me to repair, one must click the Enter button to continue the Windows setup. However, my keyboard would go dead. It worked up to that point. I got by it anticipating the "Welcome to Setup" screen and immediately started tapping the Enter key in the screen before it.

But now I have another problem. I'm getting error message "SHRegGetValueW could not be located in the dynamic link library SHLWAPI.dll" Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

dude post the Blue screen code here if you want help, thats with the nulls that states for technical support

dude post the Blue screen code here if you want help, thats with the nulls that states for technical support

Blue screen is gone. I've done a repair per directions I received from caperjack. Thanks.

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