hi all,

i have recently tried installing a new program on my lap top ( ITunes) and suddenly my laptop turned off and put a screen saying blah blah windows did not start successfully, blah blah and then gives me prompts to start the comp in safe mode, last known good config, or start windows normally.....i ahve done all of these and none of them seem to work, it goes to the windows Xp load screen and then restarts and sends me back to the same screen.....but before this happens a blue screen appears with white writing (it happens so fast that i am un able to read the writing and dont know what it says).......if any one has any ideas on how to fix this problem please let me know

try this... you might have to boot in safe mode to get there

Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings under Startup and Recovery.

once in there you should see an option having to do with auto restart on all windows errors... disable this.

i am un able to get into windows it will not load

if you can't even boot to windows in safe mode you may have to try a repair install...

boot to the OS CD and when the system asks you to push R for repair hit enter to install... then it will take you to another screen that will look for a current windows installation. once the CD realizes that you have a current install of windows it will ask you if you want to wipe it and start over or try to repair it. use this second repair feature and see if that helps.

into your BIOS [delete key on boot], advanced settings i think, and disallow autorestart on error. Then you will be able to read the error screen at leisure. Tell us.

oh man I forgot all about that little addition to the bios! I dont' see it very often but it is indeed out there.

good call gerbil

Isn't the automatically restart option incase of a BSOD related error changed in the Advanced Startup Options? I doubt the BIOS option will make a difference. I'd recommend a repair reinstall

whoa! yes, goldeagle, i was confusing it with power problems setting in BIOS.... IF you can get into safe mode...
===Restart your computer in Safe Mode:- press F8 several times while POST is running and before IDE detection completes.
- On the Windows Advanced Options Menu, select Safe Mode with Command Prompt and press Enter.
- When the Boot Menu appears again, select Microsoft Windows XP and press Enter.
- Log in by using the Administrator account and password. NOTE: The password is blank by default unless you set a password.
Then type
sysdm.cpl and <enter> ...go advanced tab, startup n recovery - settings, and uncheck Automatically Restart.
While you are in there see if you can run chkdsk command successfully in Safe Mode. [ chkdsk c: /f ]
But if you cannot get into safe mode then a repair job using the XP install cd is the only next option.

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