I am trying to run ChkDsk on my D: Drive and when i try to run it it goes thru the first 2 steps fine it is just when it gets to the Recovering Orphaned Files part i get a error that says An Unspecified Error Occurred. What can i do to fix this


Use your XP CD to boot to the Recovery Console. Once there, run chkdsk /r. This will check the entire disk for Bad Sectors as well and try to fix it.

Another option would be to go to the manufacturer of you hdd and download and run their diagnostic tool, it will specifically aimed at that hdd.

Or you could go to your event monitor and check what the full error was and post that here.

Or you could go to your event monitor and check what the full error was and post that here.

Event viewer.:rolleyes:

hahahah it was a long day ....

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