I'm running 2m pro, 130 megs of ram on a Compaq Dell Dimensions V400.

There is an old install of McAfee that I want to get rid of and can't do it. When I go through the Install and uninstall applet not only does it not uninstall, but it freezes Task Mgr, or else it is just sitting there. When I close the running applet the interface remains and I can't do anything until I reboot.

Any ideas?

Thanks, BuddyB

Have you got the disk(s) that the old version of McAfee was installed from? If so, install again over the top of what's there, and then try to uninstall.

I'm running 2m pro, 130 megs of ram on a Compaq Dell Dimensions V400.


So, is it a Compaq V400, or a Dell Dimension? I'm a little confused here...

The advice to reinstall and remove the program is good, but if you need more help, try McAfee Support.


So, is it a Compaq V400, or a Dell Dimension? I'm a little confused here...

Sorry 'bout that, it's a Dell.

I had the same problem then i found a folder in my Program files labled macfee beta it had the uninstall in there hope it helps

well theres a program dont remeber the name uninstaller something u put mcafee.exe or a file from mcafee then it removes the whole program

Greetings! (my first post in this kind of forum).. since BBS time!

Uhm... I don't know your OS, but one of the things that I would recommend would be to try to get in Win in safe mode. From there (with just a few drivers loaded) run the uninstall again.
There might be a good chance you manage to remove it. There are other options like editing your registry to remove certain RUN key to void it to be loaded (and even later deleted manually).

That's it for now.... how about it?

commented: That's what I would have tried first! -- dlh +1

Greetings! (my first post in this kind of forum).. since BBS time!

Uhm... I don't know your OS, but one of the things that I would recommend would be to try to get in Win in safe mode. From there (with just a few drivers loaded) run the uninstall again.
There might be a good chance you manage to remove it. There are other options like editing your registry to remove certain RUN key to void it to be loaded (and even later deleted manually).

That's it for now.... how about it?

Good input, thanks. I did solve the problem. I ditched my old computer, bought a new one, re-formatted the HD and installed XP Svc Pk 2.

ppl i am running a hp pavilion 1 gb ram and 80 gb hard disk and i am pissed of cause i just downloaded mcafee total protection ad it has been blocking all my softwares :@ i tried to uninstall it in normal mode it didnt work all i got is a blank page i tried the system restore and it isn't working i tried the safe mode and the computer just freezes i need another way to do it i even made tune up to stop it from starting up when the pc is on it still opens in startup i tried closing it by task manager and shredding the files and no it ain't workin i need a way and i tried to upgrade it but it says tat mine is the newest :@ and last when i ty to open the security center it opens but shows a white blank window i need help please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

Have you made sure ALL PROCESS'S OF MCAFEE ARE TERMINATED?? (Open Task Manager and make sure)

Try downloading REGSEEKER and removing mcafee from your startup entries,then reboot and try and remove it then :) (Regseeker is also the BEST reg cleaner i have ever found)

Good luck....Welcome to our site!

ya man thanx alot but no i just found a software that i don't even got to do anything just run the setup and will take away all the software if anyone needs just post a reply here and i will be glad to put it here :D

Glad ya got things figured out :)

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