Hi all,

I formatted my system with Windows 2000 professional..

I installed SP4 after that..and anti virus software

Then i tried to update my system..there were around 50 odd updates....

but during the updation...my system reboot automatically......

This happened twice....

So i stopped the update and later when i try to install any software...it reboots...

If i were to use the system..it doesnt cause any problem....

I had tried to format it thrice and all the time this is the problem i encounter...

What could be the problem and whats the solution???


It's supposed to do that.

Let it reboot. This is a necessary part of the install process.

Rebooting starts the system running the already installed software, so it can install later software which needs the already installed software to be running.

It's supposed to do that.

Let it reboot. This is a necessary part of the install process.

Rebooting starts the system running the already installed software, so it can install later software which needs the already installed software to be running.

But it is rebooting when the updates have been downloaded and are in the process of installing ....(in the middle of the process)

And i have found that the cause to be with Windows installer 3.1 update...

Is it repeating the same install over and over?

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