I have an Intel Pentium 166MHz w/MMX computer with 64 MB RAM and I use Windows 98. While attempting to renew my Norton Antivirus subscription online, the following message appeared: "Your browser is not supported because it is not considered secure enough to conduct an online transaction. Please upgrade your browser and then begin your session again." I use IE. Can anyone tell me how to upgrade it? Is that even possible with my old Windows 98 platform? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

janda5 :rolleyes:

yeah, IE6 is the one for you. IE7 will NOT run on 98 (if you dont have 98 SE i think you may actually be stuck at IE5)

I have an Intel Pentium 166MHz w/MMX computer with 64 MB RAM and I use Windows 98. While attempting to renew my Norton Antivirus subscription online, the following message appeared: "Your browser is not supported because it is not considered secure enough to conduct an online transaction. Please upgrade your browser and then begin your session again." I use IE. Can anyone tell me how to upgrade it? Is that even possible with my old Windows 98 platform? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

janda5 :rolleyes:

Or you could just use Firefox or Opera?

Thanks, pty!! I took your advice and am now using Firefox. I love it! IE is okay but I ran into too many problems trying to upgrade it. Now my web browser troubles are over. Thanks for your help.


Thanks, pty!! I took your advice and am now using Firefox. I love it! IE is okay but I ran into too many problems trying to upgrade it. Now my web browser troubles are over. Thanks for your help.


Glad you like it. Please help spread the word if you hear other people complaining about IE.

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