I use Advanced Windows Care and TweakNow Registry Cleaner (both free).

Recently I've been looking for something better. I 've bought about 3 or 4 and returned them. I tried about 10 trials. Some of them find a whole lot more errors than mine, but after I clean I don't notice any difference in performance. Actually some seemed to slow me down.

With the vast knowledge in cyberspace someone should be able to steer me in the right direction. Please:)


ccleaner is all i use

ccleaner is all i use

Good one.

I also use Regcure and PC pitstop optimize.

PC pitstop optimize will actually speed up your internet.

Umm....I use CCleaner, already mentioned, but you might want to try Regsupreme. My computer was running really slow. So I was told to try these to products......what do you know...A LOT FASTER!!!!! I know that there is a registry cleaner in CCleaner, but I prefer to use Regsupreme also because I used to have just Regcleaner and a lot of my programs became unresponsive. But with regsupreme I have never once had that problem. Hope this helps!!!

Umm....I use CCleaner, already mentioned, but you might want to try Regsupreme. My computer was running really slow. So I was told to try these to products......what do you know...A LOT FASTER!!!!! I know that there is a registry cleaner in CCleaner, but I prefer to use Regsupreme also because I used to have just Regcleaner and a lot of my programs became unresponsive. But with regsupreme I have never once had that problem. Hope this helps!!!

Yea as Maui_Mallard says i have tried several different ones myself looking for user friendly ones and some can do more damage than good if not careful.

ah ,yes speed up the internet ,i use this one for that and have for a few yrs now.optimize you windows network settings actually!

I have been using SG TCP Optimizer for a while. I like it a lot. Although just resently I've been using it in conjunction with Ascentive ActiveSpeed and I've really enjoyed the results. :confused:

I tried the trial of RegCure, and it sure found a load of stuff, more than any others I've tried.

Haven't tried RegSupreme yet.


does any of these internet boosters like active speed or any of the reg cleaners affect gaming at all?

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