The other day a formated my PC.
I managed to get the WMP tool bar on the start bar, but i can't get it anymore.

Can you help?


you mean right click on task bar > toolbars > WMP?

It does not show there anymore :(

which version do you have? it has to be 10 or higher. And as you formated your pc the original might be 9 or lower. so DL an updated version would make it appear

Version 11.

oo i hate that. it sucks. go back to 10 :)

Try reinstalling WMP to let it re-register toolbars from scratch

Thx, i will try that.

which version do you have? it has to be 10 or higher.

Not true... I have wmp9 and have that option in the toolbar (But i have it disabled)

oh ok, my bad. *makes note* :)

I had a really good read on this, very detail, and very useful information.

Welcome to the site,im glad your finding the info to your liking :)

I reinstalled it, it now works, thanks for your help

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