Every time I try to open an office application I get the "windows is preparing to instal" message . After cancelling it the application then opens.

I ran a search some time ago having the same problem and managed to find a fix by doing something along the lines of starting Excell in safe mode. Or running excell from "start" Run excell. Unfortunately I can't remember exactly what it was and now the problem has reappeared.

Any help obviously appreciated.

de Louv

Is your computer connected to a network that has office installed at a central server? What happens when you don't close the message?

I got that with MS office after i created a new user account and deleted the old one. Its a windows instaler bug.

Cheers for the reply

No its stand alone.

It goes through the process "please wait while microsoft configures......" and then comes out with "installation error file not found ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\
Please insert disc. (which I don't have)

Thats what happens to me. Its a common bug. Only solution ive ever found is to reinstall office.

By the way, ive noticed that error happens if :

a: you make a new user
b: you use disk cleanup and opt to remove the office setup files.

Why don't you have the installation disk? Maybe you should download an office torrent, and then try reinstalling office.

JoshSCH, Dont mention getting a torrent of office. Piracy is bad.

torrents aren't illegal to download. Besides, if this person owns office, but lost the cd.. theres no harm in downloading the torrent. Is there?

Yes but no. Its a grey area. Best not to go there

hm.. ok then.. I'm not advocating piracy.. just suggesting what I would do.. but sorry if that is against forum rules or somethn

Piracy might be bad, but so is leaving a bug in a piece of software for so long.

If you 'own' a copy of office, but don't have the disk, you shouldn't be punished for losing the thing. I would fully support downloading a 'backup' copy.

Piracy might be bad, but so is leaving a bug in a piece of software for so long.

If you 'own' a copy of office, but don't have the disk, you shouldn't be punished for losing the thing. I would fully support downloading a 'backup' copy.

..glad some1 agrees with me

This is a common problem, so if you can, take 5 minutes to reinstall ms office or get office 2007. I'd recommend reinstalling as prices are too much these days for a new ms cd!!

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