I am using Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and have been attempting to download the Vista upgrade advisor. My computer will not open an .msi file, and I can't find a download to fix the problem for my version of Windows, because apparently I shouldn't have a problem. Can anyone please help?

Yes, .MSI files are windows installer files. Sounds like your windows installer is broken or corrupted. Try going to run and typing


. You will need your XP CD. The process is silent. Just leave it until it completes and reboot.

Can you describe the problem in more detail.

Thanks for the reply. I tried your suggedtion, but just received the error message: Windows cannot find sfc/scannow.

sorry it should be sfc (space) /scannow

Scanned to completion with no action. Since got what I need via download. Thanks for your time.

The download worked, along with a .net framework download. Thanks for your advice.

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