Ok, So I'm a photographer, and I need my photoshop to survive. One day I open photoshop and it says 'Problem with your Serial #/ user name/ affiliation' or something like that and it randomly shuts down.. Which is very odd, because it's worked perfectly fine since I got it, so I can't figure out a way to fix it, and I decide to uninstall and reinstall it. I open add/remove, and all of the programs are there as usual, and it says the file sizes, and how frequently it is used, but it no longer has the buttons to Change/Remove. I have no idea what happened.. I'd used it a few days earlier and it worked fine, which is why i'm wondering if photoshop's problems had anything to do with it. Doesn't make much sense, but it's the only thing I could think of.. Please help!

-Also, I downloaded another program called 'EasyUninstall' and the only programs that show up on that are the programs that I've installed after the problem occured.


Easyuninstall seems to have corrupted your installer database.

Is this XP or Vista?

Easyuninstall seems to have corrupted your installer database.

Is this XP or Vista?

I didn't install Easyuninstall until after the problems with the Add/Remove. I'm using XP.

Use system restore. Restore to about a day or two before the problem occurred. Then uninstall Photoshop and reinstall it. This should solve your problem. Sounds like something in the registry got messed up.

Well, you sound like the pc have been hijacked, or virus get into you pc. First use your av to check for virus. Note: dont use Norton by any means. It just suck. Try to use like Mcafee, Kaspersky, Avast.

Lastly, save your files which you need onto a cd/dvd and delete the partion(s), create a new partion, then reinstall windows.

Good luck. For more instruction on how to make your pc like new again. let me know in here or post new thread.

What? another one who's lost control of add/remove? with photoshop? by any chance do you have a 64bit processor? anyway..
I may be barking up the wrong tree, but perhaps if you navigate to this key in your registry [go Start, run, type regedit and press OK]:
-then rclick on uninstall in left pane, choose permissions and ensure that the administrator [you, perhaps] at least has Full Control. That should do it.

Use system restore. Restore to about a day or two before the problem occurred. Then uninstall Photoshop and reinstall it. This should solve your problem. Sounds like something in the registry got messed up.

thanks, i'll try that.

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