Hi all. Im looking for the correct .bat code to rename a lot of one file to another. What i used was as follows

ren *.gif *.zip

can someone please tell me the correct code for such an operation?

thanks in advance

can someone please tell me the correct code for such an operation?

Did it not work? It looks correct.

well i saved it as a .bat and put it into the directory that i wanted! are there rules/restrictions on the directory?

sorry, i rtied again and it works!

Congratulations. It's good to hear your program works. (By definition, a batch file is a program.)

are there rules/restrictions on the directory?

The only rules/restrictions that apply are attributes and path rules. I'm sure you have some idea of what they are... (I don't really want to try to write it all out.)

Keep in mind that simply renaming a file is not going to make it a .ZIP file. If you try to open that file in Winzip, it's not going to work.

You might want to look into some way to use PKZIP or some other DOS utility to actually zip the files.

i know that, but the files were meant to be renamed, thx neway alc

i know that, but the files were meant to be renamed, thx neway alc

Cool. The only reason I pointed it out is that I ran into a guy who actually thought you made zip files that way! :p

hahaha :P :P

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