hi all

i got svchost.exe error frequently.i am using win2k.so i try to reinstall the OS but in the middle of installation i got the same error and showed it fail to register com comp(Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.

..\ccompluscore.cpp (line 274)

Error Code = 0x80040206

An unexpected internal error was detected

The COM+ event classes could not be registered.)this create lot of problem in IE.not able to open a link for download etc.please can any one help to slove my problem


hi sun

i had the exact problem you have. it was driving me nuts.....i was very close to reinstalling windows as well. i did however find something that worked. try downloading this patch i found on microsofts website.....http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-026.asp........im not too computer savvy but it seemed to have fixed the problem. (i usually get that stupid svchost.exe message after about 5 mins.....havent had a problem since i downloaded the patch) im also using windows 2k...hope this helped

That link isn't correct... can you look it up again and repost a proper one?

I am getting the same error and it's starting to drive in INSANE!

The link you posted does not work - please take a look and repost!

Thank you!

Thank you.

Unfortunately, I have to reboot just to click on the link so I really, really hope this works. If it doesn't, I don't know what I'm going to do!!!!

::crossing fingers::

I believe it's a virus. Heaps of people have it where I work. We're waiting for a pushout of a new nortons antivirus definitions...

So far, it worked .... I think. LOL

Yes, I think it was that MAJOR virus that has been all over the media today.

I haven't encountered this svchost error. However, I was working on the new tutorials section of TechTalk earlier when McAfee VirusScan Online popped up from my system tray informing me about the breakout of this new virus. I didn't bother downloading the latest virus definitions 'cuz I was busy programming and didn't wanna be bothered. Think I'll go do that right now ;) And maybe make a system back-up via PowerQuest DriveImage while I'm at it ;)

I believe it's a virus. Heaps of people have it where I work. We're waiting for a pushout of a new nortons antivirus definitions...

It was that msblast.exe worm virus thing. (Well, that's what was causing my problems). Other symptoms is that it blocked all external sites from IE (netscape worked tho???), I couldn't open new windows from IE (when it was still letting me onto external sites) etc etc.

Bloody virus. Lost half of yesterday because of it. Had to watch DVDs instead of working :cheesy:

Interesting to note that someone has released a new
virus that takes advantage of that same exploit.

This one tries to patch your machine for you though :)
Awfully nice, I'd say.

Yes, I've heard of that too ... the virus that first removes another virus off your machine, and then downloads the latest windows updates from microsoft.

atlast my system itself crashed and i loaded win2k from the beginning now i don't have problem.thank u guys for help and try


Good to hear. But I don't understand why your system crashing would fix the error?

I had the blaster worm ,and the way the worm worked at first was the more times you restarted your computer the deeper/more the word did ,to where i couldn't hardly keep the computer running to fix it .I got the svchost errorrpc/service eroor /generic host process/and on and on .got rid of it now .the most important pard of running the remover and patch is to disable the system restore until you completly remove the virus .

It's bogging down some systems more than the slammer did.

Hi im new here. I was searching the net for problems with this svc thing too. Each time i get online, things go ok, for like 5 or 10 minutes, then this stupid program error occurs out of the blue, that basically slows everything down. My computer at that point wouldnt even disconnect when I ask it too, i cant use the command "Open in New Window" when i run my mouse over a link, AND to top it all, i cant use any Javascript or Applet programs or anything that pops up.
Oh and I tried your link, Microsoft said that page doesnt exist. This problem is really frustrating-im already on a slooooow Celeron 600, please please please help.

I donno y it crashed i try to repair it and got all trajon also.because of all at a time my system went down.but this svchost is really a headache one.

hi all

i got svchost.exe error frequently.i am using win2k.so i try to reinstall the OS but in the middle of installation i got the same error and showed it fail to register com comp(Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.

..\ccompluscore.cpp (line 274)

Error Code = 0x80040206

An unexpected internal error was detected

The COM+ event classes could not be registered.)this create lot of problem in IE.not able to open a link for download etc.please can any one help to slove my problem


Please don't post a quote without any unique text of your own.

Got exacly the same problem installing Server 2003.

Does anybody have a clue?

Knud Fjeldsted

1) What is the reason?

2) What are the consequenses?


Is your computer home-built? Sounds like hardware issues...

hi all

i got svchost.exe error frequently.i am using win2k.so i try to reinstall the OS but in the middle of installation i got the same error and showed it fail to register com comp(Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.

..\ccompluscore.cpp (line 274)

Error Code = 0x80040206

I got the same problem. Svchost error may occur even on fresh installations of Windows 2000 SP3 without any virus (maybe it has to do with some network frustration of windows, I do not really know).

After I installed Microsoft Security Update


it never happened again :-))

To install this on your computer, go to www.microsoft.com and enter


in the search window. The download page will be shown.

I have also found that "svchost.exe error" can be generated without any detectable virus / worm infection. But it always occurred while online (by 56k modem) and was usually accompanied with the inability to disconnect the modem (needed to restart Windows). Other times, AVG would detect one of the following worms:
However, I did not detect any MSBlaster at any time during my svchost errors.

These problems were all cleared by installing SP4 and Patch KB823980 from Microsoft.

Maarten van Eerten


sorry....i think this is correct

im having some problems where to locate the solution to this svchost.exe error. i looked up at the site you gave but i can't seem to find the patch that you posted. can u just give the exact name of the patch, please and do i need a service pack 3 for that??? thanks a lot !

I have the answer to your problem, try to change the port address of communication port in CMOS setup, and re install Operating Systems, If the problem persist, locate the correct modem driver.

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