I don't know where it came from but just about every page I open results in the pop up "Do you want to install and run "Adobe Flash Player" signed on 6/11/2007 . . .

No I don't know want to run it but I also don't know where the source of the pop us is hiding. I ran a hi jack this scan and deleted an AdobeAcrobat 5.0\Reader\activex\AcroIEhelper.ocx but that didn't help.

I probably should have posted this in the Browser area but:

1. It might be another Windows thing as I have nothing but problems there and

2. I don't know how to delete or move it.


I don't know where it came from but just about every page I open results in the pop up "Do you want to install and run "Adobe Flash Player" signed on 6/11/2007 . . .

this means there is something on the site that requires flash player to view,so its the web site generating the pop up,install it and be done with the popup.
flash player and adobe reader are 2 different programs .

I don't like being strong-armed into anything, especially by a machine. I'll fight fire with fire. Perhaps a more aggressive popup blocker.


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I don't like being strong-armed into anything, especially by a machine. I'll fight fire with fire. Perhaps a more aggressive popup blocker.


Which browser you are using ?
Mozilla firefox or Internet explorer.

I don't like being strong-armed into anything, especially by a machine. I'll fight fire with fire. Perhaps a more aggressive popup blocker.


Streaming video as soon as you open a site , is the way of the internet now! not sure if any popup blocker is going to stop this one .

Did anyone ever come up with a solution to this problem? I have the latest Adobe Flash Player version installed, and I still get the pop up. It is disruptive--I have to stop what I am doing and close the pop up every 1-2 minutes.

ive installed adobe flash player,yet every time im on the internet i get pop up to install it-have clicked pop up,still comes back,sooo annoying!tried the adobe website,they do have suggestions,such as uninstall older version,allow pop up and stuff i wasnt sure about- messing around with settings,nothing works so far-any ideas would be helpfull-if i can figure it out will let you know!

fixed it!!!finally!!-uninstall flash player,then re install,then re start straight away-no more pop ups!!

hi,had same problem-uninstall flash player,re install then do immediate re start-worked for me,hope it helps!

I would not and will not install the flash player. I had it on a previous computer. The main effect was that I could hardly read anything I wanted to read, and my bandwidth got totally clogged, because of nonsense like dancing pronographic images intended to make me look at some ad. It got really painful and it hugely slowed me down, more than even the popup nonsense.

Why do web sites do this? Duh. It's advertizing.

It reminds me of the folks who say it's totally innocent to dfevelop two-way brain interfaceds that can control hyour emotions. "It's jnust voluntary whether you get wired up." Until it becomes standard to require it to get a job.

These popups have proliferated to a real extreme. We really ought to have a way to block them. If computer guys can't do it, should we write our Congressmen?

That was quite a lot of information but I think your basic situation is that you need to have flash installed to use some programs and view some online sites. true, other programs can use your flash player in their popup programs and they can be very annoying and use your computer resources. But these popup are controllable and most web browsers have good popup blockers that will stop them.

I know I am missing some content by blocking flash, but the cost of all the stuff I don't want simply became too high. I should
have a right to NOT see flash content if I don't want to,
and I should not be tortured off ther web altogether
by Adobe/web-sites basically saying "flash or else."
It should be an option.

On the previous computer, I did use the no-script option with Firefox. But it didn't really solve the problem. It did not have an option to "never turn off the computer or turn it over to adobe when a web site wants to demand that you install adobe flash
and is willing to turn off everything you are doing until you obey."

If it did, I'd go back to that approach in a flash.

For that matter, if flash itself had an option only to turn on when I choose to turn it on, actively, by clicking on an icon rather than responding to a pop-up... that would be best. But crooks that take over your computer wouldn't offer that, would they?

I have tried everything to prevent this Adobe Flash Player. If I click "install" it continues to pop up and if I click "unistall", same problem. I have tried to uninstall Adobe Flas Player 10 ActiveX, but cannot get rid of this either. Help!!

In Mozilla Firefox I use AdBlock Plus. You can find it in add-ons. Go to Tools > Add-ons and search for AdBlock Plus and click install. So far it has block most of the ads that uses flash but I don't know about pop-up. But if you are using Internet Explorer, than that is something else.

I would like anyone to help me with this incessant adobe pop-ups! I uninstalled all adobe programs and links to adobe programs ... still got pop-ups on any website I wished to view. I rebooted and then added adobe 10.7 (latest version?)back to program selections. I still got pop-ups. Therefore I deleted all adobe programs again. I then scanned (using Norton 360), defragged and virus purged entire computer. What's next? Thanks to anybody for your suggestions!!! I may just juck this PC and go to Apple. Would that help? HELP. Paul Mc

Instead of chucking your computer and go for Apple why not try Linux OS. I would suggest Ubuntu or Debian. www.ubuntu.com and www.debian.org. I have been using for almost 3 years and haven't come across any virus so far and the good thing is, it is free. Just visit the website and download the ISO image. Burn into the CD and boot up than install.

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