I am trying to save a neighbors computer and I need some help. They are running windows Me and cant get it to boot. it comes to the compaq splash screan and goes to a blank screen with a blinking underscore thing but you can type into it. I have tried downloading a boot disc from bootdisc.com and when I put it in the computer restart it I get a message saying I/O error. I then tried a live disc version of linux (PHLAK) and I got into the files by mounting the drives. After that I looked through the files not really knowing what to do. I'm thinking that its possible to make a windows boot disc from the system while in linux but i have no idea how. anyone have any suggestions please

Try letting it boot to the "blinking underscore" and type "win" (without the quotes.)

I don't think you can make a windows boot disk while running linux. But then again, I might be wrong...

Whoa, caperjack... Just a second there... He's running ME, not 98. There'll undoubtedly be problems from that.

Whoa, caperjack... Just a second there... He's running ME, not 98. There'll undoubtedly be problems from that.

Sorry ,Yes there would ,but if it were my computer, I would see that,Pea brain Caperguy F--ked up and get the ME bootdisk instead .LOL :)

Sorry for the error Flyguy ,get the ME bootdisk from that site insted of 98.

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