Quite simply, the CD/DVD Drive on my laptop won't open, and there's a CD stuck inside.

Help... Please!

Try a paper clip ...

Straighten out a paper clip. Now, with the laptop turned off, look for a small hole on the CD Drive itself. It should be just the size to accommodate the paper clip. Push the paper clip in gently but firmly until the CD begins to open up. You can then use your hand to finish opening it.

This might be tougher if the CD was inserted wrong and is holding it closed ...

Good luck!

Thanks very much... it worked!! Although, it's not opening via its button anymore!!!

Good! I'm glad that worked for you.

One other thing you can try, which if it does work is quicker than finding a paper clip:

Open up My Computer.
Right click (the right-hand side mouse button) on the CD Drive.
Choose "eject".

That usually works. Either way, both that and the paper clip method are way cheaper than buying a replacement CD/DVD drive for a notebook.

Having done the paper clip trick, i realised that the Drive won't open with its button. Also, on My Computer, there is no CD Rom drive icon on there.

Me thinks the damn thing is buggered!!

Yep, it sure sounds like it is ... so unless you absolutely have to have an internal CD/DVD drive, the cheapest replacement (by far) is an external USB (or firewire) drive. Not quite so portable of course ...

Try removing the drive from the laptop and reinserting it. Maybe its a loose connection?

i have the same problem, and when i clicked on the eldergeek.com link thing, and did all that it said, i got up to the 4D36E965........... and about 24 of the same things popped up, so what do i delete and not delete ?

i have the same problem, and when i clicked on the eldergeek.com link thing, and did all that it said, i got up to the 4D36E965........... and about 24 of the same things popped up, so what do i delete and not delete ?

there is only one of them that is ,
4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318..... you go to that one and open it
remember to backup you registry before you remove /edit it in anyway , open regedit and go to file and export to back it up,save file to place you will remember

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