Whenever I close the windows explorer I get an error box which says
"Windows Explorer has enountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
When it closes the desktop refeshes along with the task bar and some of the programmes in the systray disapear. I have tried the Debug button but it changes nothing. I sometimes get the Dr Watson postmortem error box too.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but this only started happening after I installed some new skins for Winamp, version 5. I have since uninstalled the skins.

I have tried various PC bug Doctors, scanners etc and have run anti virus programmes like AVG and Avast

The problem doesn't stop me from working and internet explorer is fine. It's just very annoying to lose programmes from the systray when it refreshes.

All help is appreciated

What do you mean when you close windows explorer?

Can you repeat the crash? Does it happen at all on its own or only on you specific actions?

Is there anything at all in common each time it crashes? Are there video files in folders you have open?

This issue could be many different things.

Have you tried running ad-aware / spybot?
Have you tried getting updates for your machines via windows updates?

Winamp version 5.35 is out.

Hi, it happens virtually every the time I close windows explorer whatever folder I am looking at. It's the same when I open Explorer, either through My Documents or My Computer, and whichever way I choose to close it I get the same error.

I don't have anything else running on the pc. If I choose to 'debug' then Dr Watson locks the pc and I have to use Taskmanager to close Dr Watson.

The problem still happens even if I uninstal Winamp I have the latest version 5.35

I have used Spybot, Avast and AVG anti virus/spyware programmes all of them updated with the latest updates. I have tried PC Bug Doctor And Uniblue Registry Booster to try and clean up the registry.

I've downloaded loads of updates for XP.

The programmes I thought were disapearing from my Systray are still running (according to Taskmanager) the icons have just disapeared.

I hope this helps, its a really annoying problem and I'm concerned it may get worse.

Cheers guys.

Its possible that this could be caused by an application the uses shell intergration. For example when you right click on files some programs add their own options to menus. Do you know of any application that use shell intergration?

Try to repair xp's system files with the "sfc /scannow" from command prompt (windows xp cd will be needed)

Hi, it could well be something like that, when I started the pc in safe mode the fault did not occur. I suspected winamp at first because it seemed to happen after I installed some winamp skins. I did uninstall winamp but that didn't cure the problem. I'll have a look at what other programmes appear on a right click. I will give the XP scan a try and see if that helps, thanks very much.

Its possible that this could be caused by an application the uses shell intergration. For example when you right click on files some programs add their own options to menus. Do you know of any application that use shell intergration?

Try to repair xp's system files with the "sfc /scannow" from command prompt (windows xp cd will be needed)

Hi, I looked at which programmes used the shell intergration and removed them so now there are no other right click shell options other than media player. I thought at first it had cured it but it's back to the same again. I haven't had chance to do a scan (I can't find the XP installation disk).
Just thought I'd update you.

When the error occurs there is an option to view more information on it. Can you copy and paste that whole error report here?

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Its Problem with mdm.exe (Machine Debug Manager) if its enabled by default disable through Microsoft Management Console.

Right click on Mycomputer > select Manage > Point to services > and see if the above service is included in list then disable that service by selecting the service properties and restart the system.

Or if not included there then check it through msconfig.exe (Microsoft Configuration Utility). Click on Start > Run > and type msconfig and click ok....here click to the tab 'startup' and look for the mdm.exe if its there then uncheck it and then back on.


Hi, I had to ask the shop that did my pc upgrade 3 months ago for the XP installation disk, they hadn't supplied it. The disk I got must have been different so the shop told me I had to reinstall XP. After doing that not only do I still have the old problem but now I'm having difficulties with Internet explorer.
It will open a page and you can search but when you click on a link IE tries to open a new window which freezes the PC. I have to use taskmanager to shut down IE. This happens at any website. I can't download programmes through IE either. Also, reinstalling XP has changed Internet Explorer from version 7 to IE6. I do have internet access my emails are fine.

I will try the scannow tonight and the msconfig.

Cheers for the help.

Hi, just an update. I finally got Internet explorer working, I downloaded the installation file for IE7 from another pc and installed it on my machine. I also ran the "sfc /scannow" and that seemed to fix the problems I was having with windows explorer.

I tried the machine debug manager but I couldn't find it, I used both methods thunderstorm98 recommeneded but it wasn't there.

Any way, the PC seems to be working fine now, everything seems to be back to normal.
I did download Firefox just in case IE7 didn't work but I've not installed it. I don't know if it has any advantages over IE7 just for general browsing.

A big thanks to every one who helped especially seanmsiegel it is all very much appreciated.

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

No problem my friend...i told about mdm.exe because i have also experienced it in my old Windows 98 and it was solved using that trick.

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