I have a windows machine that is on a domain and running windows XP Pro and has Windows Vista on a 2nd drive. I can boot up in both operating systems but in windows XP when I right click on the desktop and go to the display properties i can click al lof the tabs (theme,desktop,screensaver,apperance and settings) but when I click the settings tab I automatically get the blue screen of death and my pc reboots. I tried to get the infor mation on the blue screen but the pc reboots too fast. I haven't added any software or hardware recently and everything works fine in vista.

Any suggestion or steps I can take to fix the problem?

You could try repairing Windows from the CD.

Is there anything else wrong with Windows or is that the only function that gives problems?

i will give that a try. that is the only issue. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing the display adapter but that didn't help

There may also be a policy setting in the Registry that has been set by a Trojan.

OR - SINCE I NOTICED YOU ARE ON A DOMAIN - the domain administrator may have set a policy to disable users from changing settings.

i will give that a try. that is the only issue. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing the display adapter but that didn't help

did you check display adapters manufacturers web site for latest drivers

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