All of my software worked fine, but as I update for new version it no longer connects to the internet.

I have made exceptions in my firewall and my Symantec malware protection (several times, meaning that I took them off the exception list and put them back in again). I have reset my winsock, I have tried running programs as an administrator. I have tried connecting on multiple networks. Nothing has any effect.

The two programs that this is happening to are Ebay Blackthorne (a storefront manager for companies with and Ebay presence) and Gran Paradiso, the alpha testing version for the next Firefox. At first I thought it was a software issue, but when these two independent packages both came up with the same problem I became suspicious.

Anything anyone can suggest..please!

Pardon the simple nature of my reply, but have you tried going back to the previous versions and see if they still work, if so, try updating again?

The old Firefox still works, didn't try it with Blackthorne.

Completely the same problem. This is definitly not a firewall, socks or network. Brand new Vista, with all updates, no network problems. Something is incompatible. Under win XP runs okay

does the new vista have windows defender turned on. what firewall are you using?

does the new vista have windows defender turned on. what firewall are you using?

Kaspersky the last version. But the first thing I did was turning it off. Will check defender, but don't think it's the issue

thanks though

Hello, this is my first post on this site, I actually made the account just to reply to your problem. I am running Vista Home Premium and previously had Symantec Corporate Edition installed supplied by my university. I had the same problem; updated programs wouldn't connect to the internet, these included firefox, itunes and opera and norton itself, only IE7 could connect to the internet, I didn't try to update it. At some point Vista told me that somthing called SymNetDrv Outbound V6 or somthing might be causing a problem with my connection, already not liking norton that much it was enough for me to uninstall norton (symantec corporate) completely.

After uninstalling Norton I couldn't connect to the internet at all (meaning IE7 couldn't connect now). I figured norton must still be upto I downloaded the norton removal tool ( when it finished running I restarted the computer and EVERYTHING WORKED. All problems were solved meaning I could now connect with any updated or newly installed program, so in my case: OS: Vista Home Premium, using Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition, the problem was symantec messing with my network somehow.

Thanks for joining this forum! I was about to try and downgrade to XP from VISTA because of this problem. I followed your instuctions to the letter. I have the greatest respect for your fiducial skills. Keep helping people. You absolutely made my day. BTW I was trying to solve this problem for at least a month.


Hello, this is my first post on this site, I actually made the account just to reply to your problem. I am running Vista Home Premium and previously had Symantec Corporate Edition installed supplied by my university. I had the same problem; updated programs wouldn't connect to the internet, these included firefox, itunes and opera and norton itself, only IE7 could connect to the internet, I didn't try to update it. At some point Vista told me that somthing called SymNetDrv Outbound V6 or somthing might be causing a problem with my connection, already not liking norton that much it was enough for me to uninstall norton (symantec corporate) completely.

After uninstalling Norton I couldn't connect to the internet at all (meaning IE7 couldn't connect now). I figured norton must still be upto I downloaded the norton removal tool ( when it finished running I restarted the computer and EVERYTHING WORKED. All problems were solved meaning I could now connect with any updated or newly installed program, so in my case: OS: Vista Home Premium, using Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition, the problem was symantec messing with my network somehow.

Hello, this is my first post on this site, I actually made the account just to reply to your problem. I am running Vista Home Premium and previously had Symantec Corporate Edition installed supplied by my university. I had the same problem; updated programs wouldn't connect to the internet, these included firefox, itunes and opera and norton itself, only IE7 could connect to the internet, I didn't try to update it. At some point Vista told me that somthing called SymNetDrv Outbound V6 or somthing might be causing a problem with my connection, already not liking norton that much it was enough for me to uninstall norton (symantec corporate) completely.

After uninstalling Norton I couldn't connect to the internet at all (meaning IE7 couldn't connect now). I figured norton must still be upto I downloaded the norton removal tool ( when it finished running I restarted the computer and EVERYTHING WORKED. All problems were solved meaning I could now connect with any updated or newly installed program, so in my case: OS: Vista Home Premium, using Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition, the problem was symantec messing with my network somehow.

Please help me....this seems to be exactly what my problem is too. But now, i can't get my computer with VISTA to even connect to the internet. How do i download the uninstall if i can't connect?


Please help me....this seems to be exactly what my problem is too. But now, i can't get my computer with VISTA to even connect to the internet. How do i download the uninstall if i can't connect?


Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, wonder if you are still stuck on this problem, if you are, just download the uninstaller on a different computer that has internet connectivity and transfer it to the problematic one with a usb stick, floppy, cd or whatever form suits you best.

Be careful with recent vista update!
I had to use system restore three times, after this update. Instantly after installing the update and reboot, could not connect to internet though ethernet nor dial up. So I rolled back using system restore and shut off the updates until later

I have got to thank you so much dude, i also just made this account just to thank you because i couldnt stand that you fixed my problem that didnt let me update my AVG, Spyware Doctor, Mozilla Firefox or anything.

From the bottom of my heart, thankyou :))

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