he recommended telnet, at freeshell.org, and sign up for a free account. then i was in there, but then he told me i need to know MS-DOS commands, which i dont, were can i learn these. I google it, but google well he dont like me! lol

Freshell.org looks like it gives you a free shell account on their server. As they say, they are a "public access unix system". So it isn't actually MS-commands you need to know, but linux/unix commands. What do you plan on using this account for?

i can tell you one thing.. i got noo clue. hes walkign me thru this one. lol

It's kind of like this... Once you get in there, what are you going to do?

I had a freeshell account, but I let it lapse. I mean, I've got all of the Unix boxen I ever need, and I've got them set up for remote access. I've got NetBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, SCO Unixware, Solaris, I can take my pick.

Personally, my opinion is that unless you've got a better reason, just set yourself up a Linux box or something if you want to learn Unix like this. The most you'd ever learn from freeshell is how to use, but not administer Unix.

It's kind of like this... Once you get in there, what are you going to do?

I had a freeshell account, but I let it lapse. I mean, I've got all of the Unix boxen I ever need, and I've got them set up for remote access. I've got NetBSD, FreeBSD, Linux, SCO Unixware, Solaris, I can take my pick.

Personally, my opinion is that unless you've got a better reason, just set yourself up a Linux box or something if you want to learn Unix like this. The most you'd ever learn from freeshell is how to use, but not administer Unix.

the thing is i got a linksys pci wirelss pci carrd wmp11 v4, and every oen tells me get the realteck card or the linkant driver, but i dotn know how to install all that, cause i got an old pc, and i would be way happier with the linux box, lol, they say im running an i686, with a 650 mghz procesor by athlon amd.

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