:eek: I need to delete Internet Explorer so I can reload it again. It is so corrupted that I cannot go to any links either on web pages or in emails. It comes up with a fatal error message. I am running Windows 2000. Can someone please help

I have been able to delete IE 6 but IE5 still gives me the same message Iexplorer.exe has generated errors and the entire program will shut down, which it does. Can anyone help with this. What is the next step

Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Microsoft Internet Explorer > Repair.


You might wish to try Mozilla's Firefox product. It is nice, fast, stable, and works well.


:eek: I need to delete Internet Explorer so I can reload it again. It is so corrupted that I cannot go to any links either on web pages or in emails. It comes up with a fatal error message. I am running Windows 2000. Can someone please help

Mine was also a real mess. I ended up doing a complete recovery of
windows (XP). It resolved the problem. IE works great now. This
may be a little to drastic for you (at least at this point). Good luck.


:eek: I need to delete Internet Explorer so I can reload it again. It is so corrupted that I cannot go to any links either on web pages or in emails. It comes up with a fatal error message. I am running Windows 2000. Can someone please help

How do I delete Internet Explorer

Mine was also a real mess. I ended up doing a complete recovery of
windows (XP). It resolved the problem. IE works great now. This
may be a little to drastic for you (at least at this point). Good luck.


How do you initiate the recovery process? I'm a novice.

In my address block on IE I have this html # 37049
It has taken over my home page.
How do I get rid of it

Hey to all the newbies here! Unless you have a suggestion to help the original poster, you shouldn't post in this thread; you should start your own new thread for the best response!

Richard -- Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Microsoft Internet Explorer > Remove

Speaking -- Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Microsoft Internet Explorer > Repair (for IE). Check this thread to reinstall Windows: http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread6632.html

Mack -- You should follow the tips in this thread:
If you still have a problem, post a hijackthis log (explained in that thread) in the Security forum.

Firefox is a good browser but there are some sites you can not access with it, in particular Windows Update, so if you use it, you should keep IE as a backup.

Hey to all the newbies here! Unless you have a suggestion to help the original poster, you shouldn't post in this thread; you should start your own new thread for the best response!...

Yes, all true.

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Can't you just install a new copy overtop? This has fixed a lot of my IE problems.

Internet Explorer is fully integrated into the operating system. I have seen a number of IE problems that a complete reinstall of IE didn't fix. The only way to correct some IE problems is to do a reinstall of the operating system.

The integration of IE into the operating system is one of the reasons why it is more vulnerable and has hundreds more security holes than the alternative browsers that are not integrated.

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