Hi, i have windows vista and it is running fine, it looks great but a couple of my friends have had problems with Vista. I thinks is was down to the auto update for the security.

Has any 1 had any problems with vista ??


I dislike it because some hardware and software doesnt like it (its about as bad as moving from 98 to xp, you need new drivers for everything) and it has high system requirements and cost

there are many people on this forum and others who have had multiple problems. My advice for anyone is stick to xp, and use upgrade to vista only if you're buying a new computer that has it pre-installed. It's a great OS, but it needs some work. I'd wait for service pack 1, or 2, who knows.

Yes, my words to sum up vista would be "rushed, unfinished"

IMHO vista isnt much of an improvement on XP

>"rushed, unfinished"

7 years is rushed? well then. leopard is the one that sucks.

im right tho

I mean, we all upgraded to XP because of the simpe fact that 98 and ME were total shit, and the reason were not upgrading to vista is that after 5 years or so, XP has become mature,stable and very well supported

xp is probably the best choice right now, and with sp3 coming out it's supposed to bring a performance boost. long live xp.

XP is probz the best operating system at this time but soon vista will but upgraded and any miner problems will be smoothed out i guess!!!

Don't you guys notice the trend, for those of us who go way back to windows DOS, when windows 3.XX was release it was not really stable until numeous patches came out, then the very elegant windows 98 was the solve all that did not get stable until until xp was about to be realse after 98 went through 2 major patch that they call the last one second edition. the only reaosn why 98 was tolerrated was because of windows 2000, there were choices, then we have the brilliant XP just now living up to it's name in the wake of Vista. the same faith will be for vista when windows 7 comes out. so it's a continous cycle.

dont get windows 2000 and me confused

ME was crap. It was DOS based like 98 and waas rushed (developed in under a year)

2000 wa NT based (like XP). In fact, Windows 2000 came out about only a year before XP. They are almost identical.

xp is probably the best choice right now, and with sp3 coming out it's supposed to bring a performance boost. long live xp.

I wouldn't be so sure, SP2 brought a performance slump.

but major h/w and security enchancements

I wouldn't be so sure, SP2 brought a performance slump.

XP SP2 drastically changed several parts of the OS security wise, which always brings a performance hit. The tradeoff was worth it though.

Yes, my words to sum up vista would be "rushed, unfinished"

IMHO vista isnt much of an improvement on XP

IMHO Vista is a great improvement, but that's mainly based on the stuff I've heard about how they changed the innards, not the experience itself. I have no complaints against the Vista experience thus far, and I do prefer it to XP, but that's certainly only opinion. I've had no hardware issues on 2 computers thus far (admittedly, I just got one of them last week).

I like Vista. Been using it since it came out with no complaints, and it's as sturdy for me as XP was. My only major hassle is that Zend PHP Studio crashes on a regular basis, but Zend hasn't rolled out any updates in forever and I prefer the application to Dreamweaver CS3, even with Dreamweaver's "improved" php support.

I would like to add that Zend PHP Studio has that java feel to it. Application software shouldn't be java based. Period.

i dont like vista. It hates all my hardware.

>i dont like vista. It hates all my hardware.

you just wait 3-5 years from now, and you'll be loving vista and hating windows 7.

The only problem i have with vista is that most of my hardware is older, so i'd have to upgrade a lot in order to use it properly.

WMP11 doesnt work with my PDA because its too old (its 2003 ffs)

I just got it on my new lappie. Ive got it turned on and Im just looking at it as I type.
Will let you know how it goes.
I need to put FireFox and Thunderbird on it, and a few adjustments are need to my tastes.

Take care,
Best wishes to you and yours.

LOL douchrti, did you copy and paste that?

Now now :P

Ive been using vista since like August of 2006, at the end of the testing period, but i did get to test it before it came in stores, and been using it since than.

if there are problems, i always fix them. but i do recommend buying a new computer, and/or building one yourself. i built my computer specially for vista before it even came out, or before i even started testing. now im upgrading my hardware again, even though i dont need to, im doing it for fun and a better computer.

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